  • 期刊


A study of using practice-oriented of interactive teaching methods to enhance the effect in accounting classroom learning




The aim of the research is to discuss using practice-oriented of interactive teaching methods to enhance the effect in accounting classroom learning , create a warm learning environment and atmosphere, and encourage students to participate in group discussion, emphasizing theoretical and practical together, let students willing to learn, actively seek appropriate information and arrange them into useful information, and then through their own analysis and integrated into new and useful knowledge in order to creatively solve problems in the future, so that students have employability talent. Through empirical we have found that practice-oriented of interactive teaching method, whether in student motivation, learning interest, learning methods, or in the classroom learning have a good results. The results showed that: (1) It can combination theory and practice to enhance students' employability talent. (2) It can stimulate students' autonomous learning, so that students attempt to find and solve problems in the autonomy and cooperation, and to draw conclusions in the discussion, improve the students' learning autonomy and creativity. (3) The harmonious relationship between teachers and students. (4) Happy classroom learning, stimulate students' motivation to learn. (5) It can encourage students not absences but also can concentrate on lectures, participate in discussions, carefully written notes and reducing slide phone in class.
