  • 學位論文


The Study of Learning Performance Using Classroom Interactive Teaching Platform

指導教授 : 梁錫卿


近年來,資訊科技的發達,資訊科技技術在日常生活中隨處可見。在教育領域當中,資訊科技導入教育也漸漸成為熱門的話題。教育部九年一貫課程裡,將「資訊教育」列為六項重大議題之一,強調融入於各學習領域,使資訊科技成為跨領域、跨學科的重要主題,因此資訊科技導入教育勢必帶給教育界新的衝擊和改變。傳統教學當中,教學大多以教學者為中心,學習者是以被動的方式來吸收知識,因此教學者與學習者互動較少,再者,在教學現場教學者往往無法立即掌握每位學習者的學習狀況,如果學習者也不主動提問,將造成學習者學習不佳,導致成績低落。 本研究在國民小學傳統教學環境當中,導入高互動教學平台-班級回饋系統,並利用科技接受模式為基礎,設計問卷來探討學童使用教學回饋器之接受程度,除了考量學童背景變項(性別、年級及地區),也探討外部變項(互動性及可靠性)與科技接受模式間(認知有用性、認知易用性、使用態度及使用行為意向)的關係模式,來提供傳統教學導入高互動教學平台之參考。本研究樣本為某三間國民小學共146人(男生84人,女生62人),研究主要發現羅列如下: 一、個人背景變項「性別」,在使用教學回饋器接受模式的「認知易用性」達到顯著水準,女生高於男生。 二、個人背景變項「年級」,在使用教學回饋器接受模式的「認知易用性」、「認知有用性」及「使用行為意向」有顯著差異,四年級及五年級高於六年級。 三、個人背景變項「地區」,在使用教學回饋器接受模式的「互動性」、「可靠性」、「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」及「使用態度」,台南地區皆較高於台中及彰化地區。 四、「互動性」及「可靠性」對「認知有用性」及「認知易用性」具有正向的顯著影響效果。 五、「認知易用性」對「認知有用性」無顯著影響效果。 六、「認知有用性」及「認知易用性」對「使用態度」有顯著影響效果。 七、「認知有用性」及「使用態度」對「使用行為意向」有顯著影響效果。


In recent years, information technology has wide spread in different fields. In the educational field, information and communication technologies (ICT) in education has become an important topic. The Ministry of Education define “Information Technology” as one of the six major topics in Formulate the General Guidelines of Grade 1-9 Curriculum of Elementary and Junior High School Education. It emphasized the immersion of ICT in each educational field. Therefore, information and communication technologies in education will bring impact and change to the current situation. In traditional teaching environment, teacher is the center of the teaching process. Learner’s learning is passive, lack of interaction among teacher and learners. On the other hand, teacher can’t perceive each learner’s learning status immediately. If the learner doesn’t participate in learning actively, the result is a poor academic performance. In this research, Classroom Interactive Teaching Platform is applied at traditional teaching environment in elementary school. A conceptual model is proposed based on the Technology Acceptance Model. This study also explored the relationships among variables of backgrounds (gender, area, and grade), external variables (reliability and interaction), and TAM variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, and behavioral intention to use) of elementary level students. Besides, this study tried to give suggestions for the elementary school while using Classroom Interactive Teaching Platform in traditional teaching environment. There were 163 fourth-grade, fifth-grade and sixth-grade students, with 84 boys and 62 girls. The main results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Female had significant differences on “perceived ease of use” than male did. 2. Fourth-grade and fifth-grade had significant difference on “perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease of use”, and “behavioral intention to use” than sixth-grade. 3. Tainan area had significant difference on “reliability”, “interaction”, “perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease of use”, and “attitude toward using” than Taichung and Changhua area. 4. The “reliability” and “interaction” had significant positive effects on the” perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use”. 5. The “perceived ease of use” had no significant effects on the “perceived usefulness”. 6. The “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use” had significant positive effects on the “attitude toward using”. 7. The “perceived usefulness” and “attitude toward using” had significant positive effects on the “behavioral intention to use”.


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