  • 期刊


Research on PE Teaching Professional Ability of Elementary School


本研究旨在瞭解國小體育教師所需具備的教學專業能力,以不同背景變項之體育教師為訪談對象;研究工具是根據文獻收集自編國小體育教師體育教學專業能力之研究訪談題目。本研究透過訪談結果顯示,不同背景變項的教師 (一)專業知識的奠定,在專業技術教學的專精度即有差別;(二)專業的教學能力,除了基本的講授、指導,需注意時間的安排、安全的宣導、班級管理等能力,並且在教學目標的設定標準即有所不同;(三)保持終身學習的態度,對於專業成長的進修,應是終身不斷、學習新知,提升自我能力;(四)教學時除了秩序的維護、安全的注意之外,營造適當的情境,讓學生以樂趣化的方式學習;(五)成績評量方面應多元化,動作技能的學習是必然,應多著重在學習的態度;(六)教師面對倦怠時,需轉調適自己的心情,才能充滿活力回到工作崗位上。


The purpose of this study is to determine the physical education teaching professional ability of the elementary school physical education teachers, by interviewing different background are elementary school physical education teachers. The research tools are items based on existing literatures associated with teaching ability of physical education teachers. The results show. (A) The laying of professional knowledge in the professional and technical teaching of the precision that is different;(B) Professional teaching ability, in addition to the basic teaching, guidance, need to pay attention to time;(C) To maintain the attitude of life-long learning, for the professional growth of the study, should be lifelong continuous learning new knowledge, to enhance self-improvement, and so on, and in the teaching objectives set the standard is different;(D) teaching in addition to order maintenance, safe attention, to create a suitable situation, so that students learn in a fun way;(E) scores should be diversified, the skills of learning skills is inevitable, Should be more emphasis on learning attitude; (F) Teachers need to adjust to their own mood in the face of burnout so can they can be full of vitality back to work.
