  • 期刊


Developing Contemporary Talents through Liberal Arts Education


本文探討分析在科技快速發展與臺灣政治和社會變遷下,高等教育背離博雅教育與傳統倫理價值觀所帶來的危機。博雅教育的實施策略與高教政策的調整宜需考慮。同時,法理德‧札卡瑞亞(Fareed Zakaria)所著之《為博雅教育辯護》,以及國外名校如哈佛、耶魯所實施的大一新生啟蒙,與博雅教育實施方案,宜採用作為提升高教育,與新世代人才培育的重要參考。


Rapid technological breakthroughs and sociopolitical changes are continuously reshaping the landscapes of higher education in Taiwan. Failure to abide by the best practices and core values of liberal arts education is the main cause of the decline of higher education quality which has become less competitive internationally. The twofold approach this paper endeavors to examine includes the strategies of restoring the proactive implementation of liberal arts education on the one hand, and reshaping higher educational policy on the other. It is also highly recommended that the timely reminders that Mr. Fareed Zakaria critically analyzed in "In Defense of a Liberal Education "be taken into consideration . Bearing in mind the urgent necessity of developing talents of the 21^(st) century, all the stakeholders of education should be held accountable for the rejuvenation of higher education in the international context.
