  • 期刊


A Study on Public Administration of Developing Gaming Industry


發展博弈產業可以增加地區就業機會、個人所得、企業利潤及政府稅收並創造關聯產業經濟乘數效益,使得許多國情保守的國家為了振興區域經濟與改善人民生活水準,近年來紛紛開放博弈業。離島馬祖在2012 年7 月7 日公投通過設置觀光賭場於渡假村產業中,顯示全面開放博弈業的時機日趨成熟,離島公投已敲開未來台灣島內發展大型博弈渡假村的大門,面對此爭議性產業的發展,如何以先進國家的成功經驗興其利、避其弊是本研究的主要目的。研究採用文獻回顧方法,分析全球博弈業發展現況與有效行政管理並找出發展博弈產業時,在經濟成效和社會福祉方面之調適做法。結果顯示:博弈業對經濟資源有限或傳統產業沒落地區之經濟振興卓有貢獻,可解決就業機會不足及地方政府稅收低迷之難題;而政府行政管理得當,對觀光產業發展有相輔相成效果。


Casino gaming has become a major industry in the world over the past two decades. Legalized gaming has been a part of countries’ tourism industry for attracting tourists. In recent years, such topics correlated with gambling as ' introduce the gaming industry for tourism development and competing to draw visitors ' are mentioned constantly. It is necessary for us to understand gambling the relevant problems and countermeasures of prevention and control that the tourism industry derive, in order to maximize its greatest profits, avoid its fraud, and minimize its negative impacts that brings. This research will adopt methods of literature reviewed by collecting and analyzing the social investigation researches and papers of journals. At last, to study the impacts of gaming legalization, to understand the community situations before and after opening of casinos, and to survey the advanced management practices of the government, hope by understanding successful development experience of the gaming industry at the present situation abroad. Finally, it seems wise to provide the positive influences of casino entertainment industry to the remote communities of the island.


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