  • 期刊


The Exploratory Study of current and Future Development of Wedding Banquets' Market in Tourism Hotels and Large Food and Beverage Corporations




This research aims to explore the current state of wedding banquet business in Tourism Hotels and large Food and Beverage (F&B) Corporations, and to understand the future development of banquet market. Through this research, it is to propose some helpful advises to the banquet operators for banquet planning. Qualitative methodology is adopted throughout this research. We conducted in-depth interviews with banquet managers of four Tourism Hotels and large F&B Corporations, and the interview data was analyzed and generalized into different case reports. We find that all the interviewers consider <||>buss marketing<||> (i.e., world of month marketing) as the most efficient marketing tool for wedding banquets. Also, we find that a banquet contract is contributive to the implement of Total Quality Management (TQM) in banquet services. With the contract, the gap between customers and banquet operators can be reduced because of the ideas of <||>to see is to believe.<||> Increase of customer satisfaction, decrease of operation costs and improvement of service quality can also therefore be anticipated. Besides, this research discovers that by differentiating banquet products, banquet service can be more personalized and sophisticated. Through the in-depth interviews, we also find that in the future, the banquet market in Taiwan will learn and imitate the Japanese style of banquet services, copying the wedding ceremony and banquet types of this nearby country.

