  • 期刊


Isolation, Denitrification and Physiological Characterization of ε-Caprolactam Denitrifying Bacteria


己內醯胺為工業上常用之化學物質,若未妥善處理此類廢水即將其排入天然水體中,對整個水體生態及人類生活品質有很大之衝擊與傷害。本研究嘗試從丙烯腈-苯乙烯-丁二烯(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS)樹脂製造廠與聚丙烯腈(polyacrylonitrile, PAN)人造纖維製造廠中,分離及篩選出能利用己內醯胺脫氮之菌株,且瞭解實廠污泥及篩選所得的菌株以人工合成廢水中己內醯胺脫氮的情形。並使用分子生物技術,獲得己內醯胺脫氮菌的16S rDNA序列,配合網站搜尋到其他脫氮菌的16S rDNA序列,將不同菌株之序列加以比對後,希望得知己內醯胺脫氮菌與其他脫氮菌間的親緣關係。實驗結果顯示:不論ABS混合族群或PAN混合族群皆可利用1538.5mg/l以下之己內醯胺進行脫氮,且適量之電子接受者是必要的。菌株Paracoccus versutus MDC-3與Paracoccus versutus TDC-2分別來自ABS樹脂製造廠與PAN人造纖維製造廠,該二株菌皆可利用1445.8mg/l以下之己內醯胺脫氮,為使己內醯胺完全去除,適量之硝酸鹽氮是必要的。菌株P. versutus MDC-3、P. versutus TDC-2 與Hyphomicrobium sp. HM(甲醇脫氮菌)、Methylosinus pucelana(甲烷脫氮菌)、Magnetospirillum sp. CC-26(酚脫氮菌)之親緣關係較近,而與其他脫氮菌之關係較遠。


The chemical compound ε-caprolactam is widely used in industry. Due to its carcinogenicity and toxicity, discharge of this chemical compound into natural water and soil systems may lead to an adverse environmental impact on water quality, thus endangering public health and welfare. This study attempted to isolate and identify the denitrifying bacteria from an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin-manufactured wastewater treatment system and a polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber-manufactured wastewater treatment system. These bacteria can utilize ε-caprolactam for denitrification. Another aim of this study was to understand the function of isolated pure strains and mixed bacteria cultures in treating ε-caprolactam from synthetic wastewater. Finally, phylogenetic trees were generated to understand the relationships between bacteria which can utilize ε-caprolactam for denitrification by methods based on the 16S rDNA gene sequence. The results indicated that both ABS and PAN mixed bacteria cultures can utilize ε-caprolactam up to 1538.5 mg/l for denitrification from synthetic wastewater. Moreover, a sufficient supply of a nitrate electron acceptor was necessary for the complete removal of ε-caprolactam. Paracoccus versutus MDC-3 and Paracoccus versutus TDC-2 strains were isolated from the ABS resin-manufactured wastewater treatment system and the PAN fiber-manufactured wastewater treatment system, respectively. Both strains were able to utilize ε-caprolactam up to 1445.8mg/l for denitrification, a sufficient supply of nitrate being necessary for the complete removal of ε-caprolactam. The strains P. versutus MDC-3, P. versutus TDC-2, Hyphomicrobium sp. HM (methanol denitrifying bacteria), Methylosinus pucelana (methane denitrifying bacteria) and Magentospirillum sp. CC-26 (phenol denitrifying bacteria) had intimate relationships on the basis of the phylogenetic trees.
