  • 期刊


Integration of a Master Plan for Simulating Debris-Flow Control Structures at the Chen-Yu-Lan, Taiwan Catchments


民國九十年桃芝颱風過境,因九二一地震受創嚴重的南投地區因桃芝颱風遭受更嚴重的災害,後歷經納莉、利奇馬、敏督利、艾利等多次颱風侵襲,各項防災工程措施再度遭受損毀,誘發二次土砂災害,嚴重阻礙重建工作推展,更危及重建區居民安全。本研究運用遙感探測(remote sensing, RS)科技結合虛擬實境(virtual reality, VR)與多媒體(multi-media)等資訊技術,將南投縣陳有蘭溪流域神木與郡坑等二土石流地區作為研究試區,結合遙測技術(RS)與虛擬實境(VR)分別對不同土石流防治工法之規劃進行視覺性之3D空間模擬配置,建立土石流防治工程虛擬配置之初步環境背景,俾期提供土石流潛勢災害防治方案研擬或防治工法回饋規劃設計之參考依據。


After being ravaged by the 921 earthquake in 1999, the Nantou area in Central Taiwan sustained critical damage when Typhoon Toraji passed through in 2001. However, several other typhoons (e.g., Nari, Lekima, and Mindule) have induced calamitous landslides which destroyed many disaster-prevention facilities, thereby seriously hindering reconstruction work and endangering the surrounding habitant environment. Techniques integrated with remote sensing (RS), virtual reality (VR), and multimedia were used to simulate several devastated areas, including the Shen-Mu and Jiun-Keng townships, selected as the primary focus for this research. Applications of VR techniques integrated with GIS (geographic information system) were used to establish a database system governing the different subject layers of sediment information and various digitized data. It is hoped that the database completed in this study can be fully structuralized and applied to planning disaster-prevention engineering structures for debris-flow control in Central Taiwan.
