  • 期刊


Design of Photovoltaic/Thermal-assisted Heat Pump Water Heater System


本論文提出一套新型太陽光電/熱能輔助熱泵熱水器(Photovoltaic/thermal assisted heat pump water heater, PVTA-HPWH)系統的設計研究。首先,以商品化太陽光電模組背板製作冷媒散熱流道,形成一組PVT模組做為太陽能輔助熱泵熱水器(Solar assisted HPWH, SA-HPWH)的蒸發器(Evaporator);並以MATLAB/Simulink軟體開發一套PVTA-HPWH系統模擬平台,針對不同的氣候條件進行模擬分析;另一方面,以模型為基礎的方法論設計自給自足式控制系統,以太陽光電模組的發電量來供應熱泵熱水器運作所需電力。PVTA-HPWH系統中的PVT蒸發器可以收集的太陽能轉換成熱能,提供熱泵熱水器的冷媒蒸發功能,同時冷媒可以降低太陽光電模組溫度,提昇PV發電效率,發揮相輔相成的效能。最後,運用LabVIEW自動化量測軟體與其資料擷取介面開發PVTA-HPWH監控系統,實際量測天候條件、PVTA-HPWH的操作變數的實驗結果,最後與MATLAB/Simulink所建立模型的模擬結果相互比較,藉以驗證理論與實務。


This paper presents a photovoltaic/thermal-assisted heat pump water heater (PVTA-HPWH) with a novel PVT evaporator. A commercial PV module was augmented with a fluid flow channel of R134a refrigerant, which was used as the PVT evaporator of a solar-assisted HPWH system, The hardware of the PVTA-HPWH system was then realized. A simulation model of the PVT evaporator and HPWH was subsequently designed and implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. A autonomous control system was designed for the PVTA-HPWH system with solar energy. The novel PVT evaporator provides the heat pump with both PV electricity and thermal energy for water heating. In addition, the refrigerant enhances PV efficiency by producing a cooling effect and thermal efficiency by extracting environmental heat directly from the ambient. Finally, a LabVIEW-based monitoring and control system with data acquisition interfaces was designed; the system automatically collects and records critical data, such as irradiance, operating temperature, voltage and current data. The measured and predicted results were compared to validate the proposed system.
