  • 期刊


A Rule-based Method to Support the Production-Distribution Planning in the SAP-APO Solution


SAP公司所發展的APO模組已被廣泛的應用在許多跨國企業作為全球運籌營運規劃的輔助工具。以經營管理的角度而言,此系統是定位在對跨國企業的全球供應鏈管理提供長期、中期及短期的營運決策支援;以資訊系統的觀點來看,此系統由企業的ERP資訊平台獲取相關營運資料,針對營運目標進行計算,以期對企業營運提供具體、及時、系統化及量化的決策支援。然而,就營運規劃的角度來看,SAP-APO的計算效率仍有其進步的空間。本文以企業中期營運計劃的觀點,應用規則式專家系統(Rule-based Expert Systems)的方法對SAP-APO中產銷規劃機制的計算功能進行改良。此一專家系統方法以市場的整體需求為考量起始點,以中期主營運計劃為範籌,進行生產基地分派、運輸分派及配銷計劃的協同作業。文中並以一個情境資料的計算結果來探討此一方法的計算品質與效率。所發展之決策模型對於已具有ERP系統作為資訊平台的企業具實用價值。


企業資源規劃 SAP-APO


The SAP-APO solution has been widely applied to the supply network planning of global enterprise. It provides a decision support for the business operations in terms of long-terms as well as mid-terms business logistics optimization. However, the calculation efficiency of the SAP-APO solution is still to be improved. This paper develops a rule-based method to improve the planning efficiency of SAP-APO solution. Given the market demand data, this solution procedure optimizes the master planning of a global supply network in terms of global production capacity allocation, logistics planning as well as distribution planning. A numerical case of computer manufacturing company is carried out to demonstrate the quality of the proposed approach.


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