  • 期刊


A Study on Relationship Model among Taiwan Domestic Tourism Motivation, Involvement and Benefit for Facebook Users


近年來政府對觀光發展推動不遺餘力,將觀光旅遊列為六大關鍵新興產業之一,交通部觀光局推動「觀光拔尖領航方案」及「旅行臺灣.感動100」工作計畫,朝「發展國際觀光、提升國內旅遊品質、增加外匯收入」之目標邁進,讓世界看見台灣觀光新魅力。根據統計顯示,國民國內旅遊總旅次屢創新高,2011年已達123,937,000人次(交通部觀光局,2012);此外,隨著網際網路的變革,促使新的網路經營模式(Web 2.0)興起,現今在網路平台共同參與的社群已成為趨勢,網路使用者可透過社群參與蒐集旅遊相關資訊,其中,熱門社群網站之一的Facebook,主動傳播快速及互動頻繁之功能,已廣泛普及地被使用,使用者之旅遊動機、涉入與效益等主題值得吾人探討。本研究主旨在探討Facebook使用者之「旅遊動機」、「旅遊涉入」及「旅遊效益」之關係,並探討之間的影響,藉以瞭解社群使用者旅遊動機、涉入及效益之現況。本研究以便利抽樣法輔以滾雪球法在網路進行問卷調查,建構社群使用者對於國民旅遊動機涉入及效益關係模式;研究結果發現,除可瞭解Facebook使用者在國民旅遊之旅遊特性,在旅遊動機對旅遊涉入、旅遊動機對旅遊效益、旅遊涉入對旅遊效益皆呈現顯著正向影響關係,已建構良好配適度之社群使用者旅遊行為關係模式,並發展具特色及客製化的「社群旅遊」產品,可提供旅遊相關產業發展社群旅遊者遊程規劃之參考。


In recent years, Taiwan government has focused more on tourism development with higher ratio and set up tourism as one of the sixth crucially emerging industries. Tourism Bureauhas Implemented "Project Vanguard for Excellence in Tourism", "Tour Taiwan and Experience the Centennial" program, and advancement toward the goals of "development of international tourism, enhancement of domestic travel quality, and increased foreign-exchange revenues" to bring Taiwan's new tourism allure to the attention of the world (Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C. Republic of China, 2012); According to the Tourism Bureau (2012) statistics, the total number of domestic tourism has come to 123,937,000 trips;Besides, with Internet revolution, a new network business model (Web 2.0) has risen, which now emphasizes the fact that users' participation in the platform of social networking has become a trend. Consumers now participate social networking to conduct two-way communication and collect tourism-related information. The most popular social networking website Facebook has taken initiative to spur communication and interaction, which is worth of studying users' travel behaviors and benefits. This study aims to discuss the relation among travel motivation, travel involvement, and tourism benefit of Facebook users. By means of Snowball sampling and Convenience sampling in questionnaire via internet, we expect to build a social networking users' domestic travel developed motivation, involvement and benefit model. This research result will help understand Facebook users to understand characteristics of domestic tourism. The result of this study not only understand the Facebook users' travel character in domestic tourism, but also showed the significant differences between among travel motivation , travel involvement, and tourism benefit. travel motivation were positively related to travel involvement, travel motivation were positively related to tourism benefit; travel involvement were positively related to tourism benefit. We have built an appropriate social networking users' domestic travel developed motivation, involvement and benefit model and developed special customized social travel product. We hope this research could provide the reference to the travel related industries for developing social community users' trip plan.


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