  • 期刊


So Embarrassing!-How Service Recovery Influence Repatronage Intention toward Different Types of Embarrassment


現今服務業多強調消費者至上,但服務接觸過程免不了出現服務失誤情境,導致消費者產生尷尬(embarrassment)情緒,此時,服務人員的服務補救(service recovery)措施將影響消費者知覺尷尬程度及購後行為。本研究透過情境模擬的方式,設計2(尷尬情境:失禮/棘手)×2(等待時間:長/短)×2(服務人員態度:優/劣)共八組實驗情境,以320位受測者進行實證,分析尷尬情境及服務補救對知覺尷尬程度及再訪意願的影響,並考量服務補救的調節效果。研究結果顯示消費者面對棘手情境下知覺尷尬程度顯著高於失禮情境,若考量消費者等待時間與服務人員態度的干擾效果後發現,在失禮情況下消費者較重視等待時間;在棘手情況下則較重視服務人員態度,同時,知覺尷尬程度對再訪意願存在顯著負向影響,最後,針對研究結果進行管理意涵的討論,並提出後續研究建議。


Nowadays service industry more emphasizes on customer-oriented services, but service failures inevitably appear during the service contact. At this time, the service recovery will affect consumers' perceived embarrassment and post-purchase behavior. This research explored how the service recovery influence consumers perceived level of embarrassment and repatronage intentions. This study use experimental design, and manipulate waiting time (length / short), attitude of service personnel (good / bad), and in certain situation to analyze 320 samples, exploring their perceived embarrassment and how they influence their repatronage intentions. The results showed that consumers have much higher perceived degree of embarrassment in sticky situation than faux pas. After analyzing two moderators (including waiting time and attitude of service personnel), we found consumers more emphasized on waiting time in faux pas, but in sticky situation, they more emphasized on attitude of service personnel. Eventually, we proved that perceived embarrassment had a negative impact toward repatronage intentions.


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