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Efficacy of Birth Ball Exercise on Low Back Pain, Abdominal Muscle Endurance and Core Muscles for Postpartum Women




This study evaluated the efficacy of birth ball exercise on lower back pain, abdominal muscle endurance and core muscle recovery in postpartum women. Researchers used a non-randomised controlled experimental design and recruited as subjects women who gave births vaginally at a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. All 53 enrolled participants were assigned into either the control group (CG) or experimental group (EG) by self-selection. The 28 EG subjects participated in a postnatal stability ball exercise intervention. After receiving verbal instructions on exercise routine basics, EG subjects received an instructional DVD video to further enhance learning and were asked to perform thirty minutes of birth ball exercise three times a week during the six-week "doing the month" period of confinement. The 25 CG subjects received standard post-natal ward health education instructions. Research instruments used included a questionnaire with basic information and Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-C) surveys and weight and waist circumference and ultrasound instruments used to measure inter-recti distance and muscle and fat thickness. Subjects answered the questionnaires and provided biophysical measurements twice - once at hospital discharge and once at six-weeks postnatal. Results showed no significant differences between the two groups in terms of pain intensity, limitations on activities of daily living, abdominal muscle endurance or improvement in core muscles / inter-recti distance. However, after using ANCOVA to adjust research-related confounding variables, we found significant improvement in inter-recti distance and average muscle thickness in subjects with the following attributes: more postpartum days, lower pre-conception weight, lower pre-conception body mass index (BMI), regular postpartum exercise habits, primipara, younger in age, and regular exercise during the year prior to pregnancy. While not identifying obvious benefits of the birth ball exercise program for postpartum women, this study can help increase clinical staff awareness of the importance of postnatal exercise and encourage new mothers to do birth ball exercises in order to alleviate lower-back and other pains resulting from pregnancy and post-pregnancy stressors and minimize postpartum physical discomfort.


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