  • 期刊


The experience of holistic care for a patient with severe brain trauma at the end of life




創傷 生命末期 預期性哀傷


The purpose of this paper is to describe the experience of assisting a patient at the end of life with severe brain trauma through holistic care. During the period of care in the intensive care unit from May 3, 2018 to May 12, 2018, five dimensions of assessment were used and three nursing care plans were established. Which were: Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion, Impaired Spontaneous Ventilation and Grieving. The author and the medical team made use of the concepts of end of life, companionship, and listening to help the patient's family members face the impact of patient's death. As the patient's younger sister is an adolescent with autism and low IQ, she is overwhelmed with her dying older brother whom she is dependent on. With the guidance of art therapy and the help of social workers, patient's sister was encouraged to use painting to express her sad emotions and thoughts. The author believes that clinical medical staff should not only pay attention to the individual patient's medical care, but also should fully consider the family members' feelings and emotions towards patient's illness and even death. If nursing staff could possess concepts of grief, tranquility and palliative care, and can detect the patient's family's grief early on and intervene, it is believed that high-quality palliative and tranquil nursing care can be provided. Through the sharing of this nursing care experience, it is hoped that it will be helpful to medical staff caring for such patients in the future.


trauma end of life anticipatory grief


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黃馨葆、陳皇吉、蔡佩渝、謝雅琪、林楷煌、蔡兆勳(2014)‧如何以家庭會議協助重症病人生命末期決策‧安寧療護雜誌,19(3),268-281。doi:10.6537/TJHPC.2014. 19(3).4
