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The Comparison Study of Students' Physical Fitness in National Taichung Institute of Technology


本研究主要目的在探討國立台中技術學院九十一學年度五專一年至九十三學年度五專三年級三年來體適能的追蹤分析探討和九十三學年度不同年級各項體適能狀況分析比較。所得資料以Exce1 2.0版及SPSS 11.0版套裝軟體處理,結論如下:一、三年來女、男生各項體適能發展:1、女、男生三年來每年均明顯的持續長高。2、較注意身材的女生三年來體重沒有什麼變化;男生的體重則有逐年增加的趨勢。3、女生和男生的柔軟度都有逐年變差的趨勢。4、三年來女、男生腹肌肌力與肌耐力水準大致相同。5、女生和男生下肢瞬發力都有逐年變好的趨勢。6、年紀小的女生心肺功能較年紀大為好;男生則是二年級心肺功能最好。二、九十三學年度學生各項體適能:1、不同年級女、男生沒有身高或體重的差異。2、年紀小似乎比年紀大的女生柔軟度為好;男生則反之。3、女生舊生的腹肌肌力與肌耐力皆比新生為好;年紀最小的男生腹肌肌力與肌耐力的最差。4、女生舊生下肢瞬發力較新生的表現為好;年紀較大的男生下肢瞬發力比年紀輕的表現為好。5、年紀較小的女生心肺功能較年紀較大的表現為好;男生則不因年紀而有差別。


The purpose of this study is compared the continuous three years of students' physical fitness from the freshman of 2002 to the third grade students of 2004 of five-year College in the National Taichung Institute of Technology. The data was analyzed in Excel 2.0 and SPSS 11.0. The results were as the followings: 1. Every element of the physical fitness developed during three years: 1 Either girls or boys are getting significant taller than last year. 2 The girls of weight have no difference; but the boys are getting heavier. 3 The flexibility of both girls and boys is getting worse. 4 There are no significant difference of muscular strength and endurance of girls and boys during the three years. 5 There is getting better on the leg explosive power of girls and boys. 6 There is getting worse on cardiovascular endurance of girls; there is the best performance of cardiovascular endurance of boys when they were the second grade. 2. Every element of the physical fitness of all students in 2005: 1 There are no significant difference of tallness and weight in different grades of girls and boys. 2 The younger of girls have better flexibility performance; but the boys are opposite. 3 The elder girls and boys have better muscular strength and endurance performance. 4 The elder girls and boys have better leg explosive power performance. 5 The younger girls have better cardiovascular endurance performance; but the boys have no significant difference because of the age.
