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Evaluation of Physical Fitness in Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Freshman in 100 Academic Years


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness percentile of the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2011 enrolled freshmen. Methods: The participants included 1,322 freshmen (506 male students with mean age 18.89±0.78 years old and 816 female students with mean age 18.86±0.73 years old). The physical fitness test items included sit and reach; 1 min sit-ups; standing long jump and 1600/800m run/walk. All data were processed by SPSS for windows 18.0 system. The investigated values were presented by descriptive statistics method. Results: 1. In sit and reach, the average was 27.37±9.75 cm in male students, 31.90±9.82 cm in female students. 2. In one minute sit-up, the average was 39.93±8.87 in male students, 28.33±7.32 in female students. 3. In standing long jump, the average was 210.55±29.77 cm in male students, 149.65±21.85 cm in female students. 4. In cardiopulmonary endurance (1600/800m run/walk), the average was 559.06±98.65 sec in male students, 307.35±41.87sec in female students. 5. The body mass index, the underweight group (BMI≦18.5) of male and female 80 (15.8%) and 197 (24.1%); the overweight group (BMI>24) of male and female students 145 (28.7%) and 146 (17.9%). 6. Three different groups of BMI and physical fitness on the performance, normal weight group showed significant better than the overweight group and underweight group. Conclusion: The male and female students show poorly physical fitness and cardiopulmonary endurance. In this study, we proved that overweight has negative impact in physical fitness, it is important to encourage students to do exercise regularly and provide the correct concept of diet and weight control for the students who are overweight or underweight.


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical fitness percentile of the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2011 enrolled freshmen. Methods: The participants included 1,322 freshmen (506 male students with mean age 18.89±0.78 years old and 816 female students with mean age 18.86±0.73 years old). The physical fitness test items included sit and reach; 1 min sit-ups; standing long jump and 1600/800m run/walk. All data were processed by SPSS for windows 18.0 system. The investigated values were presented by descriptive statistics method. Results: 1. In sit and reach, the average was 27.37±9.75 cm in male students, 31.90±9.82 cm in female students. 2. In one minute sit-up, the average was 39.93±8.87 in male students, 28.33±7.32 in female students. 3. In standing long jump, the average was 210.55±29.77 cm in male students, 149.65±21.85 cm in female students. 4. In cardiopulmonary endurance (1600/800m run/walk), the average was 559.06±98.65 sec in male students, 307.35±41.87sec in female students. 5. The body mass index, the underweight group (BMI≦18.5) of male and female 80 (15.8%) and 197 (24.1%); the overweight group (BMI>24) of male and female students 145 (28.7%) and 146 (17.9%). 6. Three different groups of BMI and physical fitness on the performance, normal weight group showed significant better than the overweight group and underweight group. Conclusion: The male and female students show poorly physical fitness and cardiopulmonary endurance. In this study, we proved that overweight has negative impact in physical fitness, it is important to encourage students to do exercise regularly and provide the correct concept of diet and weight control for the students who are overweight or underweight.


教育部(2007)。96 年度各級教育行政機關學校體育衛生業務主管人員第二次研討手冊。台北市:作者。
