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The Identity Formation and Identity Reconfiguration in the Characters of Three Generations of People: A Comprehensive View of Taiwan Trilogy and the National Allegory of Absence


本文以《三世人》人物的身分認同形構與重組為研究主題,探討這些人物如何在不同情境下將多重的身分認同元素重組與排列而形成身分編輯。本文包含五個面向。首先,以國族寓言為出發點,將國族寓言視為「不在場」 的再現。《三世人》作為台灣國族寓言,乃是台灣國族認同的不在場以及描述日本國族主義的成、住、壞、空。其次本文指出組成身分認同的多重元素,包含性別、階級、世代、國族、情慾等。第三個面向探討身分認同元素動態的編輯過程。第四個面向是書中描述日本戰敗後,原來的日本國族認同者所產生的「去國族」現象。第五個面向是書中部分人物發展出「無認同」的階段。無認同並非消極的沒有認同,而是暫時拉開一段間距,由舊認同的碎片中重組新的身分。由此書可觀察到,國族身分必需先以日常生活中的性別、階級、世代等身分認同為建構基礎,而國族認同包含台灣與日本、台灣與中國的複雜糾葛。除了分析《三世人》,本文也針對「台灣三部曲」提出整體評價,指出三部曲的性別議題凌駕國族議題,及其對後殖民主體的多元想像與台灣國族認同永久的延宕,證成「寓言」其「不在場」的特質。


The theme of this paper deals with the identity formation and reconfiguration of characters in Three Generations of People, exploring how these characters use and recombine their multiple elements of identity according to different situations. This paper includes five dimensions. First, the researcher takes national allegory as a point of departure, regarding national allegory as the representation of "absence." Taiwan Trilogy is both about the absence of Taiwan national identity and the description of the emergence and decline of Japanese nationalism. Second, this paper points out the multiple elements of identity formation, including gender, class, generation, nation, and desire. The third part discusses the dynamic process of re-configuring the multiple elements of identity. The fourth part deals with the phenomenon that after the defeat of Japan in the WWII, those who had identified with Japanese nationalism came into the state of de-nationalization. Finally, some of the characters develop a new stage of "non-identity." Non-identity is not a passive stage of having no identity at all. Instead, it produces a distance so that new identity can be formed from the broken pieces of old identity. From this novel we can observe the phenomenon that national identity has to be built by gender, class, generation in daily life, and it involves the complicated entanglement of Taiwan and Japan as well as Taiwan and China. In addition to the analysis of Three Generations of People, this paper also presents an overall assessment of Taiwan Trilogy. It is argued that gender issues are more important than national issues in these three books, and Taiwan Trilogy presents multiple ways of imagining post-colonial subjectivity and the forever deferral of Taiwan national identity, thereby confirming "absence" as the characteristic of allegory.


