  • 期刊


Exploring the Relationships among Sport Lottery Purchase, Sport Spectatorship and Sport Participation


之前討論過觀賞運動和運動彩劵購買的關係(高立學,2009;張家銘,邱思慈,陳威勳,2010),及從事運動與觀賞運動的關係(高立學,2010b、2013、2017),本研究目的為將觀賞運動、從事運動和運動彩券購買進行整合性的研究。採用體育署2013 年委託「蓋洛普徵信股份有限公司」執行「運動彩券發行民意調查」的資料,針對有購買運動彩券的消費者,且年滿20歲(含)以上,進行問卷填寫。依據配額機率抽樣,於運彩經銷商及投注站,完成1,085份有效樣本,男性佔多數(93%)。結果顯示平均一星期會觀賞運動比賽的轉播節目天數和平均每月購買運動彩券金額之Spearman相關係數0.286(p<0.001),為中度相關;觀賞運動天數和從事運動次數Spearman相關係數為0.233(p<0.001)。迴歸分析以運動次數為依變項,觀賞天數和運彩購買金額為自變項,模型預測力6.2%,觀賞運動天數預測從事運動次數為正相關0.261(p<0.001),運彩購買金額預測從事運動次數為負相關-0.103(p=0.001)。可能原因是當運彩購買金額偏高時,心力和時間轉移至關注賽事結果,剝奪到運動的頻次,也降低了運動觀賞和從事運動的關係強度(高購買金額群550人0.131,低購買金額群535人0.328)。有些人可能為了運動彩券的經濟動機觀賞運動,不是基於喜歡運動相關活動的因素。從責任博弈的角度來看,是否有成癮的現象,值得關注。


Previous studies have discussed the relationship between watching sports and sport lottery purchase, and the relationship between sport participation and sport spectatorship. Further, the purpose of this study is to conduct a more comprehensive study examining relationships among sport spectatorship, sport participation and sport lottery purchase together. Data were from a sport lottery launch survey by Gallup Corporation in 2013 with financial support and under supervision of Sports Administration, Ministry of Education. The questionnaires were filled out by sport lottery consumers who were 20 years of age or older in shops selling sport lottery around Taiwan. A method of stratified quota random sampling was used to recruit 1,085 valid responses with males accounting for the majority (93%). The results showed that the Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.286 (p<0.001) between the days per week watching sports and the amount of money in average per month purchasing sport lottery tickets. This relationship was moderate. The relationship between the number of days per week watching sports and the frequency of sport participation per week had a Spearman correlation coefficient 0.233 (p < 0.001). Using sport participation frequency as the dependent variable and days in watching sports, money in purchasing sport lottery as the two independent variables, a model of regression analysis was examined with a predictive power of 6.2%. The days in watching sports were positively correlated to sport participation frequency with a standardized regression coefficient 0.261 (p<0.001), whereas the money purchasing sport lottery was negatively correlated to sport participation frequency with a standardized regression coefficient -0.103 (p=0.001). A possible reason is that when the money purchasing sport lottery is high, more time and attention are spent on the results of games, and therefore the sport participation frequency is influenced and reduced. This likely further reduces strength of the relationship between sport spectatorship and sport participation. The group with 550 people who purchased higher amount of money in sport lottery had a weak coefficient 0.131 between sport spectatorship and participation, whereas the group with 535 people who purchased lower amount of money in sport lottery had a stronger coefficient 0.328. Some people may watch sports for the economic motives of sport lottery, rather than intrinsic interests in sport-related activities. From the perspective of the sport lottery social responsibility, sport lottery addiction might be a concern.


Gau, L. S. & Woodside, A. G. (2014). I am (not) a basketball person”: Self-sport brand-me relationships among basketball spectators. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management, 5(3), 39-44. DOI: 10.5897/JPESM2013.0182.
Gau, L. S., & James, J. D. (2013). A Ten-Value-Type Framework Associated with Spectator Sports - A Qualitative Inquiry. Sage Open (April-June), 3(2). DOI: 10.1177/2158244013485580.
