  • 期刊


A comparative study on the Power of Congress to investigate between U.S. Congress and Legislative Yuan, Republic of China(Taiwan)


國會調查權為國會在憲法上的重要職權之一,主要目的在於監督和制衡行政機關、或揭發政府弊端,以實現人民的知的權力,也協助國會在立法過程中取得足夠資料以實現立法的功能。因此,國會調查機制乃是代議民主之具體表現,其愈健全愈能彰顯民主憲政之原則。美國係嚴格三權分立的國家,美國國會的調查權可說是各國國會調查權制度的濫觴,因此,本文藉由美國國會調查權的探討,論述國會調查權制度,尤其是國會調查權與行政機構的「行政特權(executive privilege)」之間的衝突;再者,司法獨立乃憲法的基本原則,國會調查與司法之間的關係為何,乃至於與人民的基本權利之間的關係為何,亦為本文之研究內容。由於我國一直沒有完整的國會調查機制,在大法官釋字第461號、第585號等解釋之下,逐漸建構了國會調查權的雛形。本文將參酌美國立法例,並配合我國憲政體制,提出數點建議,以供我國將來修法參考。


The Power of Congress to investigate is one of the important functions of Congress in the Constitution. The main purpose is to supervise and check and balance the administrative agencies, or to expose government abuses, so as to realize the power of knowledge of the people, and also to assist the Congress to obtain sufficient information in the legislative process to realize the function of legislation. Therefore, the Congressional Investigation Mechanism is a concrete performance of representative democracy, and the more perfect it is, the more it can demonstrate the principles of democratic constitutionalism. The United States is a country with strict separation of powers. The investigative powers of the U.S. Congress can be said to be the origin of the system of congressional investigative powers in various countries. Therefore, this article discusses the congressional investigative powers system, especially the conflict between the congressional investigative powers and the administrative agencies's "executive privileges" by reserching the investigative powers of the U.S. Congress. Furthermore, Judicial Independence is a basic principle of the Constitution. What is the relationship between congressional investigations and the judiciary, and even the basic rights of the people, is also the research content of this article. Since there is no complete congressional investigation mechanism in our country, under the Interpretation of Justice No. 461 and No. 585, the prototype of congressional investigation powers have been gradually constructed. This article will take into account the legislation of the United States and act in concert with my country's constitutional system, and put forward several suggestions for the reference of our country's future law revision.


王世憲,《美國國會與政黨》(臺北:台灣商務印書館,1966 年)。
吳庚,《行政法之理論與實用》(臺北:三民,2012 年)。
吳庚,《憲法的解釋與適用》(臺北:三民,2004 年 6 月)。
李志正,《國會調查權之研究-以美國法制為中心》(臺北:國防管理學院法律研究所碩士論文,2006 年)。
李惠宗,〈立法院行使調查權應有的法治設計—從釋字第五八五號解釋出發〉,《台灣本土法學雜誌》,第 78 期,2006 年 1 月。
