  • 期刊


Strategic Culture approach: Development, Debate and Guidance- In the Case of China


戰略文化成為一項重要的研究途徑後,發展為不同的世代或波次,經過了學界的爭論後,戰略文化研究途徑依舊沒有在學者間形成普遍共識。本研究認為戰略文化本身需要一個引導,才能發揮作為一個研究途徑引領研究者提出適當問題,協助研究者釐清文獻資料的初始目的。而本研究嘗試透過Andre' Beaufre的行動戰略政治診斷概念,來對戰略文化研究途徑進行引導。本文將透過回顧戰略文化研究指標學者Alastair Iain Johnston與Colin S. Gray的爭論,與戰略文化經典研究成果的方式大致梳理戰略文化的發展歷程。而本文採納了Michael C. Desch的觀點,在將戰略文化視為補充現實主義的前提下,說明行動戰略政治診斷如何引導戰略文化研究途徑。


戰略文化 政治診斷


Since strategic culture approach has become an important research approach, it has developing into different generations or waves. There is still no consensus after debate between scholars. This article argues the strategic culture approach needs a guidance which could help scholars who employ cultural approach to ask right question and to process research data. This article will briefly review the debate between Alastair Iain Johnston and Colin S. Gray, and this article agree with Michael C. Desch's argument about cultural approach could be able to supplement realism. With this argument, this article will attempt to use the political diagnosis from Andre' Beaufre to build a conceptual framework to guide strategic culture approach.


Johnston, Alastair Iain. (1995). Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History. New Jersey: Princeton University press
楊仕樂,2011,物質基礎、理念慣性:中國「王道」戰略文化的實證檢驗 1838-1842,中國大陸研究第 54 卷第 4 期,頁 11。
許保林,2002,中國兵書通覽,北京:解放軍出版社,頁 19-22。
Beaufre, Andre’. (1967). Strategy of Action. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, p. 38.
Goldstein, Judith and Keohane, Robert O. (1993). Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change.
