  • 期刊


Neoclassical Realism Analysis of QUAD: The Case of India




The concept of regional defense has been recognized in Europe, but the Indo-Pacific region has not established a multinational military alliance. Neoclassical realism believes that in addition to external factors, the causes of national foreign policy must also consider the domestic politics. It explores how leader's image, strategic culture, state-society relations and domestic institutions affect cognition, decision-making and policy implementation, which affects policy responses and international outcomes. India's foreign policy goal is to promote India to become a great power. The open foreign policy will help improve India's international status and it is also a continuation of the traditional non-aligned policy. As a developing country, economic growth is the top priority of India, unwilling to intervene too much or choose sides. If QUAD wants to transform into an Asian NATO, it first needs to promote an open cooperation mechanism based on QUAD, then focus on economic interests to strengthen India's willingness to cooperate, and finally use the "Chinese factor" to attract India to participate in further military cooperation and create greater possibilities.


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