  • 期刊

Novelties in Begonia Sect. Platycentrum for China: B. crocea, Sp. Nov. and B. xanthina Hook., a New Distributional Record



本文發表中國雲南產秋海棠屬二室組新種-橙花秋海棠(Begonia crocea)及新紀錄種-黃瓣秋海棠(Begonia xanthina)。不同於絕大多數中國秋海棠的白色至粉紅色花朵,橙花秋海棠花被片橘紅色,黃辦秋海棠花被片為黃色,甚具園藝觀賞價值。橙花秋海棠與大葉秋海棠(Begonia megalophyllaria)相似,但葉柄密被軟長毛,葉背疏生軟長毛,花被片橘紅色;而大葉秋海棠全株光滑無毛,花被片白色或略帶淺綠色。黃辦秋海棠與著名的園藝植物大王秋海棠(Begonia rex)相似,但花被片黃色,葉面無長直粗毛及馬蹄形斑紋;而大王秋海棠花被片粉紅色,葉面有淺灰至淺綠色之馬蹄形斑紋。


Begonia crocea C.-I Peng, a new species from Yunnan province, China and B. xanthina Hook., a new distributional record for China are here reported and fully illustrated. Both of them are assignable to Begonia sect. Platycentrum. Unlike the great majority of Chinese species with white to pink flowers, B. crocea and B. xanthina are remarkable for bearing orange-red and yellow flowers respectively, which is of much horticultural attraction. Begonia crocea resembles B. megalophyllaria in aspect, differing mainly in having densely pilose petioles, the leaves being sparsely pilose abaxially, and having orange-red tepals. Plants of B. megalophyllaria are glabrous throughout and their tepals are white, sometimes tinged greenish. Begonia xanthina is somewhat similar to B. rex, a notable plant of tremendous horticultural interest, but is readily distinguishable by the yellow tepals and leaves that lack long setose hairs and horseshoe-shaped maculation. In B. rex the tepals are pinkish to pink and the leaves are setose and marked with a distinct grayish to pale greenish horseshoe-shaped band on the adaxial surface.
