  • 期刊

A Genetic Linkage Map Based on AFLP and NBS Markers in Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea Var. botrytis)

花椰菜(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)遺傳圖譜的構建及NBS-LRR類抗性同源基因在圖譜中的定位


利用AFLP和NBS profiling技術,以花椰菜自交系“AD白花”與高代自交不親和系”C-8”雜交得到的F1代自交產生的F2代分離群體為材料,構建了第一個花椰菜遺傳連鎖圖譜。該圖譜由234個AFLP標記和21個NBS標記構成了9個連鎖群,總圖距為668.4 cM,標記間平均距離為2.9 cM。每個連鎖群包含的位點數從12到47個,相鄰兩標記之問的距離範圍是0-14.9 cM。NBS標記分佈在8個連鎖群中,這些標記大部分聚在一起。本研究的目的是構建花椰菜遺傳圖譜為以後的基因定位及重要農藝性狀的分析提供框架圖,此外,研究NBS profiling方法在花椰菜中的穩定性和有效性及NBS-LRR類RGA在花椰菜基因組中的分佈和特點。


A genetic linkage map of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) has been constructed based on AFLP and nucleotide binding site (NBS) markers, in order to identify potential molecular markers linked to important agronomic traits that could be useful for developing and improving the species. NBS profiling was first used to map resistance gene analogues (RGAs) in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis), which simultaneously allowed the amplification and mapping of genetic markers anchored in the conserved NBS encoding domain of plant disease resistance genes. At the same time, the AFLP method was also performed in this paper to construct an intervarietal genetic map of cauliflower. A total of 234 AFLP markers and 21 NBS markers were mapped in an F2 population derived by self-pollinating a single F1 plant (a hybrid between ”AD White Flower” and ”C-8”) based on seventeen AFLP primer combinations and two degenerate primer/enzyme combinations. The markers were mapped into nine major linkage groups, spanning 668.4cM, with an average distance of 2.9cM between adjacent mapped markers. Each of the linkage groups contained from 12 to 47 loci, and the distance between two consecutive loci ranged from 0 to 14.9cM. The AFLP markers were well distributed throughout the nine linkage groups, and eight linkage groups for the NBS markers. Most NBS markers mapped in this study were organized in clusters, indicating that most of them could be real RGAs. The maps we have generated provide a firm basis for mapping agriculturally relevant traits, which will then open the way for application of a marker-assisted selection breeding strategy in this species.
