  • 期刊

Pouzolzia taiwaniana (Urticaceae), a New Species from Taiwan



本文發表臺灣南部發現的蕁麻科新種植物:台灣霧水葛(Pouzolzia taiwaniana),並報導其染色體數目(2n=28)。此新種之形態略似印度產的塊莖霧水葛(P. tuberosa),二者雖都具塊莖,但新種的植株甚小,匍匐而多分支,莖長可達30cm,葉長1-2cm,葉基心型或闊卵形,葉基側脈向上及於葉緣中部;塊莖霧水葛植株長可達30-180cm,葉長2.5-7.5cm,葉橢圓至披針形,葉基側脈向上延伸至葉尖,明顯可以區別。本文除提供台灣霧水葛之線繪圖、彩色圖版以及分布圖檢索表,並製作臺灣產本屬三種植物的檢索表以利辨識。台灣霧水葛族群數量極為稀少,且其生育地為甚不穩定的惡地石礫陡坡,容易受害,根據國際自然保育聯盟(IUCN)的評估準則,本種應列為嚴重瀕臨絕滅等級。


Pouzolzia taiwaniana, a new species from southern Taiwan, is described and illustrated. Somatic chromosome number (2n=28) is here reported. Pouzolzia taiwaniana resembles P. tuberosa Wight in having tuberous roots, but differing in being a much smaller plant, usually less than 30 cm (vs. 30-180cm) long, leaves 1-2 cm (vs. 2.5-7.5cm) long, cordate or broadly ovate (vs. elliptic-lanceolate), basal lateral veins reaching the middle part of leaf margin (vs. reaching leaf apex). Pouzolzia taiwaniana was first discovered in a forested watershed area in 1990. It then comprised only a handful of individuals on a moist shady rocky slope. Unfortunately, the habitat was subsequently destroyed by landslides accompanying typhoons that hit Taiwan. In 2011 it was rediscovered in a landscape reserve 30 km south of where it was first collected. Pouzolzia taiwaniana is endemic to Taiwan. The only known extant population is on a mudstone slope that is prone to erosion and landslides. The area of distribution is approximately 50×10 m^2 and contains less than 100 plants. According to IUCN Red List criteria, P. taiwaniana is considered to be Critically Endangered.
