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The Nocturnal Hunting of a Diurnal Raptor, the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), at Kaoping River Bridge of Southern Taiwan


由2004年12月至2005年5月,我們於台灣南部高屏溪斜張橋橋塔上裝設自動監視系統,進行遊隼(Falco peregrinus)行為的記錄。藉由4個方向4組監視器全天候的錄影,我們獲得140時段即140筆遊隼活動事件。分析遊隼利用橋塔時段發現呈現雙峰形式。一於05:00-09:00之間,另一位於19:00-23 :00之間。橋塔亦為遊隼重要之貯食地點,他們經常回來取用之前留下的獵物。在140筆活動事件中, 至少有3隻不同個體帶回44隻獵物,其中79.5%的獵物是於19:00-22:00之間所帶回,僅有20.5%是於白天所帶回,這些獵物非常新鮮,有些甚至還是活的。本觀察顯示遊隼於高屏溪橋全天均活動獵食,尤其是在夜間更為頻繁。獵物被捉帶回橋塔的時間明顯由日間延後到夜間,可能是一種利用橋上裝飾照明大燈的行為適應。


From December 2004 to May 2005, we monitored the top of a bridge tower 183.5 m high in southern Taiwan that was used by Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) as a plucking and feeding site. Using four camcorders running continuously to cover all four sides of the tower, we obtained 140 hours of recordings containing Peregrine Falcons and their prey. The time of day Peregrine Falcons returned to the tower showed a bi-modal frequency pattern, one peak between 05:00 and 09:00, the second one between 19:00 and 23:00. The tower also served as a storage site where Peregrine Falcons returned to consume left over prey previously brought back. During the 140 hours. At least 3 Peregrine Falcons brought back 44 prey, 79.5% of them were between 19:00 and 22:00, while only 20.5% were brought back during day-light hours. The prey items were usually either alive or newly killed when brought back. This shows that these Peregrine Falcons in southern Taiwan were actively hunting during the day and especially at night. There was an apparent shift of the peak prey capture time from day light hours to evening hours by these Peregrine Falcons, probably as an adaptation to the artificial lighting along the bridge throughout the night.
