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Species of Raptors and their Status at Aoku Wetland, Chiayi County


鰲鼓溼地在1986至2006年間,共記2科2種猛禽。其中18種(佔82%)為遷徙性猛禽、4種(佔18%)為留棲性猛禽。結果顯示,鰲鼓濕地之日行性猛禽種類組成包括度冬猛禽、過境猛禽、部份島內移棲之留烏猛禽、及唯一在此穩定繁殖的黑翅鳶(Elanus caeruleus)。最多猛禽種類被記錄的月份為12月,季節則為冬季。記錄筆數最多的種類為東方澤鵟(Cirus spilonotus )。每年平均數量最多的種類亦為東方澤鵟。鰲鼓溼地內可區分出沼澤、農耕地、水域、樹林及人工設施等5類棲地,文中對於不同種類猛禽的棲地利用情形皆加以描述,對22種猛禽的狀態亦逐種描述之。


During 1986 to 2006, 22 species of diurnal raptors were recorded at Aoku Wetland, Chiayi County, west-central Taiwan, 18 (82%) of which are migratory raptors and 4 (18%) of which are resident. Among the 4 resident species, only the Black-winged Kite (EIanus caeruleus) breeds here; the other species are local inland wanderers. The most species were recorded in December, and the most species were recorded in winter. The most records and most number sighted were of the Eastern Marsh Harrier (Cirurs spilonotus). There are 5 types of habitat at Aoku. The usage of different habitats by these raptors and their status are described.
