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Investigation of Breeding Indian Black Eagle in Fushan Botanical Garden, Northeastern Taiwan, 2004


林鵰(Ictinaetus malayensis)被列為瀕臨絕種的保育類野生動物,雖然近年的調查發現牠的數量並非如此稀少,然而其繁殖情形一直鮮為人知。2004年3月下旬於福山植物園發現一林鵰巢,母鳥正在巢中孵卵,經過3個月的鷹巢調查及5個月的後續追蹤,得到其繁殖生態的初步資料。該巢位於海拔650m陡坡天然闊葉林內一棵香楠(Machilus zuihoensis)上層所附生的崖薑蕨(Pseudodrynaria coronans)內,巢的大小為90x 90cm,巢高(距樹基)13.9m。此對林鵰僅養育1隻雛鳥,巢雛期間公鳥負責大部分的獵食,而母鳥負責餵食、照顧幼鳥與補充巢材,守衛工作則由公母鳥共同負擔。雙親會利用固定的守望枝來守衛,也會在此吐食繭。經由無線電傳輸CCD監看系統錄影100小時以上,共見到18次食物記錄,另採得47顆食繭,綜合兩種資料得知林鵰的食物包括刺鼠(Niviventer coxingi)、小鼯鼠(Belomys pearsonii)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、大赤鼯鼠(Petaurista philippensis)、鳥、雛鳥與鳥蛋,可知林鵰是以白天在樹上或在巢中休息的哺乳動物及其幼體、及鳥巢內的雛與卵為主食。此巢幼鳥推估在04/07孵出, 在巢雛後期的行為以探索(50%)、休息(24%)、理羽(17%)這三項所佔時間最多,拍翅練飛則以09:00~10:00這個時段的次數最多。此幼鳥於06/12因台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)入侵而被迫提早離巢,比正常離巢時間約早了10天,離巢後的擴散路線是沿著哈盆溪畔由上游往下游移動,至離巢41天後幼鳥已有很好的飛行能力,此時距離巢位達1km。離巢初期親鳥仍持續供食,平台狀的枝幹可提供親鳥傳遞食物與幼鳥進食,對幼鳥的存活非常重要。在巢雛期間,林鵰會警戒與驅離的動物包括熊鷹、巨嘴鴉(Corvus macrorhynchos)及台灣獼猴。


林鵰 繁殖 福山植物園 食物 食繭


Indian Black Eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis) is an endangered species in Taiwan with its breeding details mostly unknown. In late March of 2004, a nest with a single hatchling was found in Fushan Botanical Garden, northeastern Taiwan. The authors conducted an 8-months investigation to study the breeding biology including nest measurement, food items, parental roles, and juvenile behaviors in nestling and fledgling stages. The breeding nest was located at 650 m elevation in the center of a rock-ginger fern (Pseudodrynaria coronans) atop a mature Machilus tree (Machilus zuihoensis). Its size was about 90 cm by 90 cm and 13.9 m high above tree's base. During the nestling stage, the male was responsible for most of the food gathering while the female cared and fed the juvenile. Both parents worked together to guard the nest and fend off any intruders. They selected vantage locations nearby to stand guard. Mountain Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus nipalensis), Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) and Formosan Macaque (Macaca cyclopis) were some of the intruders that Indian Black Eagle would chase away if they get too close to the nest. We installed a radio-transmitting CCD camera next to the nest to record activities in the nest. From 100 hours of video recording, we obtained 18 food records. We also collected 47 pellets near the nest. By analyzing these videos and pellets, we found their diets were consisted of spinous country-rat (Niviventer coxingi), Formosan hairy-footed flying squirrel (Belomys pearsonii), red-bellied tree squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus), Formosan giant flying squirrel (Petaurista philippensis), bird and bird eggs. The findings of eggshells in the pellets confirmed the nestrobbing behavior of the Indian Black Eagle. Majority of the juvenile,s activities near the end of nestling stage were divided among searching (50%), resting (24%) and preening (17%). The juvenile practiced wing-flapping most during hour 09:00-10:00. The juvenile was forced to fledge 10 days earlier than normal due to an intrusion from Formosan Macaques. After fledging, the juvenile started moving downstream along the Hapen stream. 41days after fledging the juvenile was observed as far away as 1 km from the nest. The parents continued to supply food throughout the fledging stage using big, flat top tree branches as platforms to transfer foods to the juvenile. The study confirmed authors' presumption that Indian Black Eagle is an arboreal predator, preying on mammals, birds or their youngling in the forest canopy.


陳雪溱(2015)。福山試驗林雌性大赤鼯鼠(Petaurista philippensis)棲所形質與溫度緩衝程度〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00349
