  • 期刊


A Study of Fifth-Grade Children's Attitudes toward Learning English with Foreign Teachers in Changhua and Nantou Areas


本研究旨在探討彰化、南投地區國小五年級學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度,並探討不同性別、是否在校外學習英語、不同校外學習英語時間以及接受不同校外英語教師之學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度的差異情形。 本研究採調查研究法,以叢集隨機抽樣法,隨機抽取244位彰化、南投地區九十四學年度共十所提出申請外籍英語師資的國小五年級學童爲研究樣本,以自編之「國小五年級學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度調查問卷」爲研究工具。本研究主要的統計方法爲敘述性統計、t考驗及單因子變異數分析。 本研究共獲得下列主要研究發現: 一、國小學童對外籍教師英語教學之整體學習態度介於普通與正向之間。 二、不同性別學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度無顯著差異。 三、有否在校外學習英語的學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度有顯著差異。 四、不同校外學習英語時間的學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度無顯著差異。 五、接受不同校外英語教師之學童對外籍教師英語教學之學習態度有顯著差異。 最後研究者根據研究發現,對教育行政當局、國小英語教學及未來研究提供各項建議。


The purpose of this study was to determine fifth-grade children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers in Changhua and Nantou areas. Specifically, the study attempted to determine the differences in children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers in terms of the gender of the students and the nationality of their foreign teachers, whether they attend cram schools, and how much time they spend studying English outside the classroom. The sample for the study consisted of fifth-grade students from 10 public elementary schools which have foreign English teachers among their teaching staff. The data was collected with a closed-form type questionnaire titled, ”Fifth-grade Children's Attitudes Toward Learning English with Foreign Teachers in Changhua and Nantou Areas,” as developed by the researcher. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The major findings were as follows: 1. On the whole, fifth-grade children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers were between neutral and positive. 2. There were no significant differences between boys and girls in their attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers. 3. There were significant differences between children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers in terms of whether they study English outside the classroom. 4. There were significant differences between children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers in terms of their time spent on studying English outside the classroom. 5. There were significant differences between children's attitudes toward learning English with foreign teachers in terms of the nationalities of their cram school English teachers. Finally, based on the findings, the researcher makes some suggestions for educational administrators at elementary schools. The researcher also makes recommendations for further studies in this field.


