  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching with Interactive Whiteboard on Junior High School Students’ English Proficiency

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


本研究旨在探討互動式電子白板(interactive whiteboard, IWB)於英語溝通式教學,對國中學生英語學習態度與英語學習成就之影響。本研究採取準實驗設計,並以桃園縣某國中九年級三班共93名學生為研究對象,隨機方式抽取兩班為實驗組,另一班為控制組,每組各為31人。實驗組其中之一採用互動式電子白板教學,另一實驗組實施單槍投影機教學,控制組則採取傳統黑板教學,實驗教學為期5週。研究工具包括「英語學習態度量表」和「英語學習成就測驗」,實驗教學前兩組實驗組與控制組皆施予前測,教學後再施予後測,利用獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計資料分析。另輔以教學觀察與訪談資料進行質性分析,藉以了解學生對於互動式電子白板教學之學習反應。 茲將本研究所發現結論歸納如下: 一、英語學習態度 (一)在英語學習態度後測總分上,接受互動式電子白板融入英語教學之實驗組,顯著優於單槍投影機組之實驗組(p<.05)。然而,相較於接受傳統黑板教學之控制組則無顯著差異。 (二)在「自我學習」分量表後測得分上,接受互動式電子白板融入英語教學之實驗組的表現,優於單槍投影機教學之實驗組與傳統黑板教學之控制組(p<.05)。 (三)在「英語課程」、「英語作業」、「學習能力」與「英語重要性」分量表後測得分上,三組學生無顯著差異。 二、英語學習成就:運用互動式電子白板融入英語溝通式教學,學生的學習成就後測顯著優於單槍投影機教學組以及傳統黑板教學組(p<.05)。 三、從觀察與訪談的資料發現,運用互動式電子白板進行英語教學,獲得師生正面的肯定。 最後,根據研究結果,提出幾項建議做為英語教學及未來進一步研究的參考。


The study aimed to explore the effects of communicative language teaching with interactive whiteboard on junior high school students’ English learning attitude and achievement. A quasi-experimental design was used. This study targeted on 93 ninth graders from three classes of an junior high school in Taoyuan County, and the three classes were randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group. Each group included 31 students. One of the experimental groups received “communicative language teaching with interactive whiteboard,” another experimental group received “communicative language teaching with projector” and the control group received “communicative language teaching with traditional blackboard.” The experiment was conducted for 5 weeks. The study instruments were English Learning Attitude Scale and English Achievement Test. All participants took a pretest and a posttest, and ANCOVA was used to analyze the data. Also, qualitative analysis such as observation and interviews with students was adopted to complement students’ learning response towards interactive whiteboard-integrated instruction. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The effect of English learning attitudes (1)In the total scores of the posttest , the experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with interactive whiteboard” was better than another experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with projector(p<.05).” However, compared with the control group who received “communicative language teaching with traditional blackboard”, there was no significant difference between the two groups. (2) In the posttest scores of “ self-learning ”, the experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with interactive whiteboard” was better than another experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with projector” and the control group who received “communicative language teaching with traditional blackboard”(p<.05).” (3) In the posttest scores of “ curriculum”, “assignment”, “learning ability” and “the importance of English”, there was no significant difference among three groups . 2. The effect of English learning achievement:The posttest scores of the experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with interactive whiteboard” was better than those of another experimental group who received” communicative language teaching with projector” and the control group who received “communicative language teaching with traditional blackboard (p<.05).” 3. From the information of observation and interviews, the teacher and students reflected positive assessment about integrating IWB into English communicative language teaching . Based on the results of the study, the researcher also provided a discussion in which some recommendations have been made regarding instructional assistance and future studies.


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