  • 期刊


Guiding Music Listening in Music Appreciation Course


由人文情懷爲出發點,並強調創意之引發,已成爲許多通識課程設計的重點。在課程設計中更考量到學生的學習需求,以使教學目標與學習目標更爲契合。隨著社會快速轉變,學生需求與特質也隨之不同,教師面對教學需經常檢視所設計的課程並予以調整誠屬必然。 針對「聆聽」是任何音樂欣賞課程的核心,但在課堂中長時間的「聆聽」對音樂背景有限的修課同學卻是苦刑,而且即使聽,卻領會有限。面對Warren-Davis語重心長的提醒“對於培養新一代的音樂愛好者來說,聆聽是最重要的元素,但許多音樂教師卻逐漸減少課程中音樂欣賞的比重”的現象,本研究藉由行動研究的執行,針對「音樂的古典與浪漫」課程中之音樂欣賞部分,曲目的安排與選擇爲重點,探討音樂之難易程度與份量是否能夠吸引學生對欣賞的投入並達到教學果效。並在研究中之合作關係與程度採取組織型(organizational type)與專業型(professionalizing type)兩種結合的行動研究型態,使研究者和參與者以相互合作的方式,共同確定問題,尋找可行的改進方法。針對以研究爲基礎的實務,縮短理論與實務兩者間的距離,提出如何運用課程設計與配合教學策略之作法。


Emphasizing the spirit of humanity and the creativity has become the focal point of many general courses. It is certain that teacher needs to examine and adjust the course design to meet the new education demand and students' learning needs. To careful listen to the music is the core value of any music appreciation course. However, the music is either ”listened to” just as background music or as a punishment and torture for students who are with limited understanding. Educator Warren-Davis exclaimed ”Music educators often reduce the amount of classroom time they dedicate to listening, the single most important element in creating a new generation of music lovers”. Hence, this research aims to examine the appropriating of the arrangement of the repertoire, the applicability of the music, including the amount and the degree of intensity using in music appreciation course through action research. Organizational type and professionalizing type of partnership will be applied in this action research to enhance the cooperating between the researcher and the participants. The purpose of the research is also to shorten the distance between theory and practice. Moreover, leads to improvements in the course design for music appreciation courses.
