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A Study on Current Situations and Perceived Effectiveness of In-Service Training of Senior High School Teachers in Taiwan


本文旨在探討高中職教師參與在職進修之現況與實施成效。本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,先進行中外文獻評析建構理論基礎,再據以編製調查問卷進行實證研究。研究對象抽取台灣中部地區公私立高中職學校74所進行問卷調查;總共收回有效問卷626份,回收率爲87.7%。研究資料以描述統計法及因子變異數分析法進行統計分析,獲得下述重要研究發現。 高中職教師在職進修現況依重要件排列:1.最受歡迎進修方式爲:校內研習、校外研習、參觀與考察;2.進修內容玉點偏重於:課程教材發展;3.校外研習進修學分/學位之偏好地點:以師範校院爲主,人學校院爲輔;4.教師研究著述呈現方式:以研討會爲主,次爲雜誌期刊。再者,教師參與在職進修寶施成效依其偏好順序爲:1.參觀、考察、進修學分/學位;2.在職進修能有效提升教師效能;其主要貢獻爲:回饋教學、輔導、行政工作。最後,本研究建議高中職教師:1.應積極主動參與任職進修;2.進而宜加強同僚合作或小親共同從事研究與著作;本研究亦建議教育行政主管機關:1.宜依教師需求規劃在職進修,增加「校外研習活動」、「進修學分或學位」、「參觀或考察」機會;2.宜透過獎勵措施,鼓勵教師加強同僚合作或小組共同研究著作;3.宜妥適安排在職進修時段,最好利用課餘時間,以免影響教師正常教學;4.宜建立完善的教師在職進修體制、提供充分在職進修機會,設法減輕教師教學負擔,以利教師參與進修;5.宜從敘獎、年終考核、實施教師分級制度、聘任等建立制度,激勵教師在職進修;6宜建立「受益者付費」的教師在職進修制度。


The purpose of this study was to explore the current situations and perform effectiveness of in-service training that was perceived by senior high school teachers (SHST) in central Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire survey was sent to 626 randomly selected SHST in central Taiwan. The descriptive statistical method and one-way ANOVA were used to test the research hypotheses. Major findings of this study are as follows: 1. School-based workshops are the most common way of training, while SHST attend off-school training and on-site visits; 2, SHST tend to participate in training during the school days, while SHST thought that the most appropriate time for training on weekends or vacation. And the content of training is mainly focused on the development of curriculum and instructional materials; 3. the workshops and on-site visits often take place at senior high schools. The credit-and degree-oriented training is most frequently held at normal universities, while SHST prefer to attend off-school training at regular universities; 4. SHST prefer to present their research projects on conventions and/or to publish their papers at journal articles. The effectiveness of in-service training of SHST is as follows: 1. SHST perceived that on-site visits and credit- or degree-oriented courses are the most effective ways of training; 2. SI-IST perceived that the in-service training could upgrade their instructional competence, counseling/guidance skills, and/or administrative abilities effectively.


