  • 學位論文


The Process and Reflection on In-Service Education for School Administrators of Higher Educational Institutes: Case Studies of the Private Universities in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在了解高等教育學校行政人員,其對在職進修動機、歷程與反思。本研究選取北區五所私立大學校院的六位專職行政同仁,在工作上有優良表現,且近五年內有三年持續在職進修,做為研究參與者。資料的蒐集以半結構質性訪談為主,輔以書面相關文件及網頁資料。研究結果如下: 1、高等教育學校行政人員對在職進修分有初始動機與持續動機;初始動機由基本簡單的意念而來,持續動機則分有由初始之延伸動機、及促發衍生之動機兩類。 2、高等教育學校行政人員在職進修持續動機,以工作專業為最高,且工作專業在初始一直到延伸,都是最重要動機,且在動機進行歷程中產生質與量的改變。促發衍生的持續動機,則產生了有因人際關係、親子關係、生活規劃及擔心淘汰等衍生動機。 3、高等教育學校行政人員受環境影響進修動機最高,顯示出現今高等教育發展與全球化環境變動相關;其在職進修動機與動機類型理論歸納後,以職業進展為最多。 4、高等教育學校行政人員在職進修以工作領域及需求內容為最主要,電腦資訊獨占鰲頭,是絕大部分人都需要進修的部分;進修方式以研討會、研究所分居前二;進修阻礙以家庭小孩照料為主因;進修成效為工作進展與自我肯定,對高等教育學校行政人員帶來相對的收穫。 5、高等教育學校行政人員在職進修符合成人的自我導向學習特質。對其學習歷程,分從工作就是學習、做中學習、經驗累積形成學習、觀點改變學習四類歷程得知。 6、高等教育學校行政人員在職進修的反思,可從自身進修、從他人進修以及從互動中得到反思,而從互動中所得到的反思,更是具有個人特殊性及意義性。 根據上述研究發現與結論,建議及鼓勵高等教育學校行政人員,對工作保持持續熱情,對高等教育環境的改變與挑戰,採取主動積極的進修學習來面對與因應。


The aims of this study are to understand the process and reflection on inservice education for school administrators of higher education. This study selected private universities in North five of six full-time administrative colleagues, the excellent performance of the work, and the past five years, three years of continuous inservice education as research participators. Semi-structured qualitative interviews , supplemented by related documents, research results are as follows: Inservice education for school administrators of higher education divide into initial motivations and sustained motivations; initial motivations by the basic, simple idea from continuing motivation divided by the initial extension of motivation, and trigger derived motivations categories, and produce qualitative and quantitative changes in the course of motivation. School administrators of higher education executives to the highest environmental impact studies motivation, the emergence of this higher education is closely related to the development and global environmental change; inservice education and motivation type theory summarized, still environmental dimensions. Inservice education of higher education executives meet adult self-directed learning characteristics; their learning process, can be divided into work is learning to do in the learning experience accumulated to form learning, change the four types of learning processes that perspective. Inservice education of higher education executives service education from their own reflection, and reflection from others who see not virtuous thinking has over the reflection from the interaction with the individual particularity and significance.


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劉昱辰(2017)。社會支持、學習動機對數位學習滿意度相關之研究- 企業員工使用數位學習為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00753
