  • 期刊


The Contemporary Intellectuals Established the Professional Image of Physical Education in Taiwan


本文以研究1945-1973年之間臺灣當代樹立體育專業形象的知識分子爲主軸,分別理出其體育思想、執行內容以及其歷史地位與貢獻,採用「歷史研究法」與「口述史方法」並行,選取的研究對象,依其出生時間爲序:楊森(1882-1977)、郝更生(1899-1975)、吳文忠(1911-2006)、謝國城(1912-1990)、曹清鵬(1913-2006)、江良規(1914-1967)、黎玉璽(1914-2003)、林月雲(1915-1992)、蔡孝德(1921-)、蔡瑞月(1921-2005)、王毅軍(1926-)、賴連光(1929-)、張連起(1931-)。研究成果歸結如下: 二次大戰結束之後,經由一批有心的知識分子的投入,臺灣的體育專業開始大放異彩。本文點出的13位有識之士,在統計學上並不見得具有代表性,在詳讀相關史料,並親臨訪談現場之後,無不深受感動,經詮釋文本與撰稿時,深覺他們的一生投注在體育與運動界,流露出那麼的執著不羈,無怨無悔的精神,充滿了驚奇與傳奇,洋溢著風采與功德,他們每一位都不一定是時代的代表性人物,但是,很肯定的是,他們都代表了他們自己,毫無疑問的站在臺灣近百年的這道時光隧道之中,爲臺灣的體育與運動界發聲。憑藉著他們的「志業」優於「事業」、「專業」勝過「職業」,對於樹立臺灣的體育專業,具有舉足輕重的地位。他們所樹立的體育專業形象的內涵包括:追求卓越的運動玩家、催生國家體育機構、執掌專業運動教練、培訓體育專業人才、維繫體育國家形象、研發體育專業學術、開創女性運動專業、推展專業體育活動。


The purpose of this study is to explore the thought in physical education, executive content, historical status and contributions of the contemporary intellectuals establishing the professional physical education image in Taiwan from 1945 to 1973. By means of historical research method and oral history method, the intellectuals were listed as follows chronologically: Yang Sen (1882-1977), Hao Geng-Sheng (1899-1975), Wu Wen-Zhong (1911-2006), Xie Guo-Cheng (1912-1990), Cao Qing-Peng (1913-2006), Jiang Liang-Gui (1914-1967), Li Yu-Xi (1914-2003), Lin Yue-Yun (1915-1992), Cai Xiao-De (1921-), Cai Rui-Yue (1921-2005), Wang Yi-Jun (1926-), Lai Lian-Guang (1929-), Zhang Lian-Qi (1931-). The results were: After the World War Ⅱ, the profession of physical education in Taiwan began to be splendid. The 13 intellectuals in the study may not be representative statistically, however, they were impressive after reviewing related literature, attending and interviewing personally to the field. Moreover, by interpreting the text and writing the script, we could find they dedicated their whole life in physical education and sport, revealing the adherence and persistence, full of surprise and legend, overflowed with merits and virtues. They may not be representative of that moment, however, definitely, they represent themselves, speak for the physical education and sport in Taiwan in the century. By their ”ideals” instead of ”careers”, ”professions” instead of ”occupations”, they played a decisive role in establishing the professional physical education image in Taiwan, including pursuing the excellence, giving birth to national institution, undertaking the professional sport coaches, cultivating professionals in physical education, maintaining the political image of PE, developing academic of PE, creating female sport profession and promoting professional PE activities.


