  • 期刊


Study on Nan Ying International Folklore Festival: Taking the Activity in 2012 as an Example




臺南 南瀛 藝術節


With the tendency of holding festivals around the world, the Nan Ying International Folklore Festival, with 16-years history, is the pioneer in holding large-scale international folklore festival by local government in Tainan, Taiwan. This study takes the Nan Ying International Folklore Festival held in 2012 as the object to trace back to the origin and the activity scale, as well as how it is held, to have a rethinking about it. The research methods in this study include collecting relevant studies, field research and telephone interviews. Main conclusions are as following: The holding of Nan Ying International Folklore Festival is from the policy of Council for Cultural Affairs, which aims to help local governments to hold small-scale international performances and promote the cultural features of each place. The activities Nan Ying International Folklore Festival holds include parades, opening and closing performances, traveling shows and so on. The overall plan of Nan Ying International Folklore Festival is made by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government. They take the responsibilities of inviting qualified international performing groups and leading "Friendship Family" and touring guides to be hosts to foreign performing groups. The activities, most are folk dances from different countries, are performed by local and foreign groups. There are records of results of this festival. The expenditure is shared among the central government, local government, enterprises and citizens. The main point of holding this activity is to enhance local artistic appreciation. Participants indicate that they can gain different experiences and contribute their abilities to help. The difficulty of holding this activity is that it is hard to make sure if the invited foreign groups participate or not. The organizer hopes it can become an everybody-joining activity and it is suggested that this activity should be based on the original concept to make it local, unique and show the creativity by interacting to get this activity famous around the country, even the world.


Tainan Nan Ying folklore festival


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文建會,〈臺灣社區總體營造的軌跡〉,http://47go.org.tw/article/2029, 2014 年4 月24 日檢索
李文生, NOWnews ,〈2012 南瀛國際民俗藝術節開幕〉,http://tw.news.yahoo.com/2012%E5%8D%97%E7%80%9B%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B%E6%B0%91%E4%BF%97%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E7%AF%80%E9%96%8B%E5%B9%95-152904314.html, 2013 年7 月21 日檢索
