  • 期刊


Application of Myofascial Trigger Points in Treatment of HIVD: A Case Report


本病例因L-spine HIVD引發坐骨神經壓迫症狀,患者在不願手術治療下,進行復健,並由復健科轉介中醫針灸、中西醫合併治療。有別於傳統針灸循經取穴及遠處取穴的模式,以按壓找尋肌激痛點的方式,在下肢多處肌肉群的活性肌激痛點進行針刺治療,達到疼痛緩解的目的。


The patient who suffered from sciatic caused by L-spine HIVD refused to receive surgical treatment, and therefore was referred to physical therapy combine with acupuncture. Instead of traditional meridian model, acupuncture is applied after palpating the active myofascial trigger points at the low limbs to alleviate pain. ”Myofascial Trigger Point” was annouced by doctor Janet Travell at 1940's. Myofascial trigger points are tiny contraction knots that develop in a muscle when it is injured or overworked. Trigger points (TrPs) are composed of abnormal sensory nerve endings and dysfunctional motor endplates. An excess of Ach stimulates the muscle to conform a taut band, referred from TrPs and LTR may be mediated through the spinal cord after stimulation of a sensitive locus .The stimulation by needle penetration or acupuncture at the TrPs can breakdown the pain connection between TrPs and the spinal cord. The activation of TrPs usually are not caused by the single damaged muscle but from damage of other soft tissues. For example, the pathological change of the vertebrae facets and spinal roots compression can induce the body to initiate protective mechanism that the latent TrPs are activated. The production of pain will stop the body to stimulate the problem area.


Myofascial pain Clinical therapy HIVD
