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TCM Treatment on Chronic Cheilitis


慢性唇炎(chronic cheilitis)它包括光化性唇炎、肉芽腫性唇炎和腺性唇炎,其臨床特徵爲:患者唇部黏膜以乾燥脫屑、暗紅紅腫發癢灼痛、腫脹、日久潰破,糜爛流水、滲出結痂爲主,多見於下唇紅腫,常有不自覺地舔唇咬唇或用手揉擦唇部,以致唇部皸裂滲出。而且反覆脫屑,屑呈乳白色布及全唇,不易拭去,觀之似口唇黏糠麩,表面乾燥,無痛,寒冷乾燥季節可伴發皸裂、滲出及疼痛。反覆發作,局部表現爲口唇病變僅損害口唇黏膜,與口周皮膚界限清晰,好發於兒童和年輕女性。此相當於中醫文獻記載的「唇風」、「緊唇」,反覆繼發感染,使其病程漫長,西醫用抗生素、類固醇、維他命B群治療效果往往不佳,尚缺乏有效的根治方法,此病原因不明,與日光照射、外用藥物及某些不良習慣(如舐唇、咬唇等)有關。運用中醫學理論,經辨證施治療效明顯,現介紹如下。


慢性唇炎 中醫治療


Chronic Cheilitis includes Actinic Cheilitis, Granulomatous Cheilitis and Glandular Cheilitis. Its clinic manifestations include: dry and chopped labial membrane, redness, swelling, itchiness and burning pain, ulceration, erosion with ooze, scars, mostly appear in the lower lip. Patients often lick, bite or wipe lips unconsciously and result in chopped lips, ooze, repetitive shredding, dry painless lips that crack and ooze in cold and dry season. It is very common in children and young women. Chronic cheilitis is similar to ”Lip Wind” and ”Tight Lips” recorded in TCM archives. Modern medicine applies antibiotics, steroids and Vitamin B complex with minimal results. The etiology of chronic cheilitis is unknown and might associate with sunlight, topical medication and bad habits such as licking and biting lips. Applying treatment based on TCM theory has shown satisfactory result.
