  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Global Expansion of China's Economy via the "One Belt and One Road" Policy after the 19th National Congress of China




"One Belt and One Road (OBOR) policy expands across Asia, Africa and Europe, there are 66 countries and 4.4 billion people along the OBOR route. The scale of infrastructure construction is quite impressive. About 1 trillion U.S. dollars will be invested by each year. With the total trade volume of at least 1-2 billion U.S. dollars along the route, it has become an attractive target for investment in various countries, At present, the leaders of ASEAN countries expect that nearly 40 countries will join the "Belt and Road" economic umbilical cord and hope that the resources and resources of China's capital, technology and manpower can be shared through the "One Belt and One Road" policy. Therefore, the infrastructure and economy of OBOR economic-connected countries with massive $4 trillion currency reserves, China wants to not only purchase the good will of its many neighbors by lavishing multi-billion infrastructure projects, but it also wants to find more sustainable and tangible opportunities to invest its huge foreign exchange cache. The OBOR is an important policy of Xi's "Peripheral Diplomacy", with making efforts to win the favor of neighboring countries estranged by China's territorial expansionism. One Belt One Road (OBOR) is currently an important engine in promoting the bridge which is embedded good opportunities to expand China overseas expansion and to reduce the investment risk with the neighboring countries very progressively. This research discusses about "One Road, One Belt" policy to analyze deeply its strategic purpose, further the attitudes toward "One Road and One Belt" to connect each country to extend the economic influence. This research will provide a deep analysis of the "One Belt and One Road" policy and the opportunities and challenges for the expansion of China's economic territory in-depth analysis of the possible impact and challenges.
