  • 期刊


The Influences of Experiential Marketing and Experience Value on Consumers' Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of the Auto Shows in Taiwan




The Auto Show is a car-themed commercial exhibition. In the exhibition, not only will the new cars be exhibited, but also the manufacturers will show relevant technologies and components or future concept cars. On the other hand, consumers can receive a lot of information about new cars and related peripheral products by participating in auto shows. In recent years, one of the reasons for the popularity of exhibitions is that customers are tired of general monotonous marketing models and standardized products and services. The method of "seeing and touching" can enable consumers to experience products and services from life and context, and to feel the fineness and consumption value of each brand, which will effectively affect consumers' final decision. Compared with the display room of a single brand of a general manufacturer, the exhibition has the function of gathering similar products. By the guidance of professional operators, consumers will be able to fully compare the features of different brands through the marketing activities provided in the exhibition. This study will use questionnaire surveys and regression tests to analyze the impact of experience marketing activities in the exhibition on consumer experience value and purchase expectations. The empirical results show that consumers 'experience marketing experience and the increase in experience value will positively and significantly affect consumers' purchase intentions by participating in the exhibition.
