  • 期刊


Spiritual Care during Care Process - From Former Family Caregivers' Perspectives




Being the primarymain family caregivers means their lives face major impacts, changes, and choices throughout the caring process. Many primary family caregivers seem to press the pause button of their lives and part take in a completely different way of life. The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of spiritual care intervention on the whole care process of former family caregivers from the beginning to the end. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The subjects had taken the role as primary family caregivers for at least one year. Moreover, they subsequently ended their responsibility for a minimum of one to a maximum of three years. Six former primary family caregivers were interviewed, among which gender was equally distributed. Ages ranged from 23 to 61 years old. Five cases come from a Christian background and one from traditional folk beliefs. The validity of the interview structure was confirmed by experts. The interview scripts were analysed with the aid of grounded theory. The research shows how care values and life reflections were constantly changing along with the care process. The spiritual challenge of the care process was similar to the five stages of the grieving process. The research suggestions are as follows: primary family caregivers are encouraged to take the initiative to seek support outwardly, make peace with themselves inwardly, and open up their spirits to embrace help from people and God. Additionally, the spiritual care of relatives and friends for primary family caregivers are suggested to last beyond the end of the care process. Daily active companionship, connection and provision of necessary support can prevent them from giving up their will to survive due to loss. When professional helpers provide spiritual care, they should treat primary family caregivers as independent individuals who need to be cared for. Future research in this regard are also proposed in the research.


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