  • 期刊


Exploring Career Resilience and Resiliency in Individuals with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: An Ecological Systems Theory Perspective




From the perspective of resilience and ecological system, this study aimed to understand factors that influenced the career of people with disabilities. Three people with muscular dystrophy were invited as research participants. Narrative research methods, particularly holistic-content and categorical-content analysis approaches, were adopted to achieve a better understanding and interpretation of their unique experiences related to career development. Research findings were stated as follows: Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination that resulted from the stigma deeply rooted in macrosystems against people with disabilities were the core factors affecting their careers. Although there was less manifest discrimination in today's society, the general public might still be influenced by stereotypes and prejudices, thus focusing too much on the "disabilities" and expressing "microaggressions" unintentionally. "Self-reliance" was considered an important value for people with disabilities in their careers, and "work" served as a means of moving closer to the goal of living independently. Resilience was manifested in the way people with disabilities responding to their surrounding environment, they strived to adapt themselves and developed coping strategies in their interactions with the society. Moreover, people with disabilities felt empowered simultaneously in the process of job-seeking and achieving employment security. It is only when all levels of the ecological system were analyzed and accommodated to the needs of individuals with disabilities that a virtuous cycle could be constructed to truly establish a friendly and discrimination-free workplace and living environment. Based on research findings, suggestions relevant to career development for individuals with disabilities, employers, helping professionals, as well as future research were provided.


邱滿艷、張千惠、韓福榮、許芳瑜、鍾聖音、貝仁貴、簡宏生、陳月霞、徐文豪、林婉媛(2010):從傑出身心障礙者就業歷程,探討就業影響因素—伴隨著「障礙」的就業路。 特殊教育研究期刊 , 35 ( 3 ), 1-25 。https://doi.org/10.6172/BSE201011.3503001
