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Research on the Teaching Process and Learning Performance of Deep-Water Swimming Teaching-The Example from a Rural Primary School


目的:本研究旨在探討深水游泳教學之教學者的教學歷程及學習者的學習表現。方法:本研究採行動研究法,以立意取樣方式選取偏鄉某臨海國小12名四至六年級學童(7男5女)為學習者與5位(4男1女)具有C級游泳教練證之教學者參與本研究。設計每週一次2小時,於臺東市深約三米之人工湖,進行每週1次,每次2個小時,共計5次之深水游泳課程。研究者以隨課方式參與課程並蒐集資料。教學歷程於課後針對游泳教練進行半結構式訪談;學習表現依教育部全國中、小學學生游泳與自救能力基本指標於課程的第一週與第五週進行前後測驗。結果:教學者的教學課設計以適應水性教學為主,與學生建立優良的相處模式,幫助學習者克服環境恐懼,並藉由教學器材的變化性,增加學習動機;教學方法透過差異化分組,利用限制觀點建立教學鷹架,以傳統口頭直接講述方式教導動作技能,設計練習情境;配合同儕互助,給予學習者更多自我探索時間,反覆練習,達到技能的精熟。從游泳能力與自救能力評估學生的學習表現,12名學生當中有9名學生在游泳能力從前測的僅能閉氣打水前進些微距離顯著進步到後測可以連續游50公尺或以上的距離(t = 4.13 , p < .05),相同的學生在自救能力皆有顯著的進步,水母漂從前測的平均9秒顯著進步到平均43秒(t = 3.37 , p < .05)、仰漂平均17秒顯著進步到平均162秒(t = 4.41 , p < .05)、立泳平均12秒顯著進步到平均81秒(t =3.94 , p < .05)。結論:在深水環境的限制下,透過親水性體驗,與學習者培養良好默契,以差異化分組進行教學,結合多元的體驗課程,以限制觀點為基礎,建立學習鷹架,採口頭講述與楷模學習方式,對於學習者游泳能力與自救能力的學習表現提升有顯著效果。


Purposes: To explore the teaching process of deep-water swimming teaching and the performance of learners. Methods: This study adopts an action research to select 12 fourth to sixth-grade students (7 men and 5 women) and 5 (4 men and 1 woman) swimming instructors from a school by the sea in Taitung to participate in this study. It was designed two hours a week and conducted 5 deep water swimming courses in the flowing lake about three meters deep. Researchers participate in the course to collect data in a class and conducts semi-structure interviews with instructors after class; the learning performances were tested in the first and fifth weeks according to the national standards. Results: The curriculum mainly adapt to water teaching and establish an excellent relationship with students can help them overcome environmental fears and change of teaching equipment can increase their learning motivation. The teaching method use differentiated instruction to build a scaffold based on a restrictive viewpoint. Use direct method and design practice situation to give learners more time for self-exploration for achieve the skills. Evaluating the performance of students from swimming ability and self-help ability, nine students had been found to swim 50 meters in a row (t = 4.13, p < .05) in the previous test. The same students had improved significantly in self-help ability. For example, jellyfish drift had improved significantly from an average of 9 seconds in the previous measurement to an average of 43 seconds (t = 3.37, p < .05), and the elevation drift average of 17 seconds had improved significantly to an average of 162 seconds (t = 4.41, p < .05), and the vertical stroke average of 12 seconds had significantly improved to an average of 81 seconds (t = 3.94, p < .05).


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