  • 期刊


The Service Promotion of Long-Term Care for Dementia - the Experience of Changhua City




失智 失智服務 長照2.0


There are more than 260,000 people with dementia in 2016 in Taiwan, in addition, the estimated number of dementia patients are about 14,000 in Chunghwa County. To cope with the growth of the number of patients with dementia and high social costs, the government must organize a complete policy and corresponding objective in Taiwan. The Long-Term Care 1.0 was implemented in Taiwan in 2016 and focused on disability patients. However, patients with dementia were not enrolled. Therefore, the government revised and implemented the Long-Term Care 2.0 which included patients with dementia and planned to provide multiple dementia services to meet the needs of dementia care. The health service for dementia in Chunghwa was conducted for la years, in addition, the services mentioned on four dimensions: to provide direct service for dementia patients, to organize a support system for dementia caregivers, to create a friendly community for dementia patients, and to train professional dementia manpower. Though sharing our experience, we hope that the government built a well-organized framework for dementia services and support more patients with dementia and their families.


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