  • 期刊


Nursing Experience in an Intensive Care Unit of a Patient with Empyema Complicated with Respiratory Failure and his Family




This article describes the nursing experience of an 82-year-old patient with respiratory failure due to empyema, who needs to receive unintended chest endoscopy-assisted surgery. Were ineffective airway clearance、pain and caregiver role strain. The case in this article is very old and for the first time faces multiple physical intrusions that cause physical and mental discomfort, and the case and family members are anxious and nervous due to the uncertainty of the disease and multiple stresses. In the process of nursing,it is important to establish trust with the case and family membres,monitor their physiological changes,and provide adequate psychological support and nursing education,so that the case and family can correctly understand the disease process and self-case methods.Make the case and family members willing to share and express their inner feelings, increase self-confidence in treatment, and encourage family members to interact and encourage Family members participate in care, enhance family support, and use resources to introduce thoracoscopic surgery, reduce anxiety by guidance and companionship, timely pain control, promote physical comfort, facilitate breathing training and successfully get out of the respirator, I hope this experience sharing can be When clinical nurses take care of such cases, improve the quality of care and reduce the number of hospital days.


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