  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Organophosphate Poisoning Complicated with Acute Respiratory Failure




This article describes the nursing experience of an intensive care unit patient who drank sorghum wine mixed with organophosphorus pesticides due to poor work situation, resulting in organophosphorus poisoning and respiratory failure assisted respirator. The nursing period is from June 1st to 8th, 2020. The author applies Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Assessment Model to collect data through direct nursing, communication, observation, physical assessment; family interviews, medical records review, and so on to establish the case encounters nursing problems such as respiratory tract clearance failure, ineffective response ability, and sleep disorder. During the nursing period, we worked with the medical team to formulate a breathing training plan for the patient's respiratory tract clearance failure. Successfully helped the case to get out of the ventilator and remove the endotracheal tube. Encourage the case and family members to express their inner feelings and accept them in an objective and empathetic attitude for both positive and negative emotions. Inform the patient about progress of the disease, increase the awareness and sense of control for the disease, and teach the methods of emotional management and stress relief. Hence, establish a good care relationship, prevent self-harm happening again, and promote the case to actively seek resources when facing stressful events in the future, and face the problem with positive response skills. Utilize intensive nursing care to improve the sleeping environment, and teach relaxation techniques to improve the quality of sleep for the individual. It is hoped that through sharing this nursing experience, it can provide as a reference to future clinical nursing staff to improve the nursing quality when facing similar cases. It can also help the case to recover in terms of physical, mental, and spiritual; in addition the family and the case can return back to normal life as soon as possible.


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