  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship among the Symbols, Uniform Designs and National Flag Color Elements for the Top 32 Participating National Soccer Associations of the 2002 FIFA World Cup


本研究主要透過2002年世界盃足球賽,前32強參賽國家球隊的國旗、協會標誌及球衣相關資料,作一系統性的整理與分析。藉由邏輯推論,將各國協會標誌及球衣設計原則做一概念性的陳述。 藉由2002年世界盃足球賽32強,各國國旗,球隊標誌顏色與球衣顏色應用相關性比較分析資料,歸納得知國家運動組織標誌及代表隊球衣之設計,仍然谨守视覺識別系統的設計原則加以應用。各參賽國家以國旗的色彩元素作為國家單項協會標誌設計時的主要色彩依據(71%),僅有極少部份國家(3%)完全沒有採用。而前32強國家足球隊球衣設計,大多數國家(86%)也是以國旗的色彩元素作為球隊球衣設計時主要的色彩依據。 未來在體育競賽活動的參與時,如何藉由球員服裝設計突顯國家或團隊特色,傳達良好形象、文化民情,凝聚我國國民的民族向心力,實為現今體育從業人員暨主管單位,在往後主辦或參與國際競賽時可以好好思考的。




The study is to systematically organize and analyze the relationship among the symbols designs and national flag color elements for the Top 32 participating National Soccer Associations of the 2002 FIFA World Cup to generally state the principles of the designs of the symbols and uniforms of each association through logical reasoning. According to the compared and analyzed data gathered through the application of the relationship among the national flags, color of symbols and colors of uniforms of the top 32 participating countries of the 2002 FIFA World Cup, a knowledge has been obtained that the designs of the uniforms and the symbols of national sports organizations had followed the principles of the design of the Visual Identity System. 71% of the countries design their national association symbols according to the color elements of their national flags, only a small number of countries (3%) didn't follow at all. Among the top32 countries, most of them (86%) designed their uniforms according to the color elements of their national flags. It is truly an important issue for the sports relevant staff and sports organizations to consider, whether to participate or hold international sports games, how to convey a good national and cultural image through the design of the attires of the sports players to cohere the national centripetal forces of our people in the future.




