  • 期刊


The Application of "If-Then Rule" in Screen Tactics of Basketball Competition


二十世紀的物理學有三次重大的理論革命,一是量子力學,一是相對論,最近的一次便是「複雜理論」(Complexity Theory)。不同於以往科學的化約特性,也就是設定研究範圍,指研究部分,並假設部分的研究最終會等同於整體。複雜理論想要對整個現象,例如天氣、股市、交通流量、運動等複雜的現象,作一全像式的研究。此種研究之所以可能,很大的原因需歸功於電腦的發明以及普及化,大量的數據已經不會構成計算上的問題。物理學研究典範的改變,連帶的影響了整個科學以及其他人文、社會學研究的變化,比較敏感的體育運動學術研究,也注意到了此學術研究的典範轉移,而逐漸受到影響。喜歡籃球的人士應該對「擋切」(Screen),或稱爲「掩護」此戰術,不會陌生。從小學生到最高水平的NBA比賽,您幾乎都可以看到此戰術的應用。然而,欲對擋切戰術有深入的了解,並且能應用自如可就不那麼容易。本文試圖應用複雜理論中,「分類系統」(Classifier System)的「若-則」原則(If-Then Rule),以清楚的了解整個擋切戰術的運作。主要內容包含「有球的擋切」(On-the-ball Screens)、「無球的擋切」(Off-the-ball Screens)以及「運球的擋切」(Dribble Screens)等檔切戰術的三個主要變化。研究結果發現以0:代表做單擋的人,無持球;1:代表被擋的人,有持球的序號模式,以有球擋切爲例子,主要可以發展成四種變化:1、若防守者不換人時,則採用011;2、若防守者換人時,則採用010;3、若防守者不換人,且跟的很緊時則採用01#;4、若防守者換人,且跟的很緊時則採用010#。「無球擋切」和「運球擋切」也類似。理論上的發現,不等同於實際的比賽現場。最重要的是先有觀念後,透過反覆的練習,和模擬的比賽,以掌握解讀比賽情境的能力!以無球擋切爲例子,很重要的一個觀念是:「進攻時90%沒有拿球的時候要做什麼?」透過不斷的擋人、空手切入才是正確的作法。應用擋切戰術時,「根據防守者的情境做出合理的反應」,是一個需要長時間+用腦袋打球,才能擁有的能力。適當的吸收新知,應用到教學與訓練的工作,則是本文的主要貢獻。




Complexity theory is the new paradigm of science in the last 20 century, which people called the 3(superscript rd) revolution of science (The first two is Einstein's ”Relativity theory” and ”Quantum theory”). According to Holland (1975), If we want to know the complex adaptive system, The most important thing is to understand how emergence happen? He also thought ”Learning” is the basis of cogitative science, Human's learning just like neural networks, and follow the 「If-Then Rule」. On the other hand, Basketball competition is a good example for 「If-Then Rule」 including both of Offensive system and Defensive system, Even each player's skill and movement is the same. The purpose of This article is applying 「If-Then Rule」 from complexity theory in order to prove that it is the same important rule in Basketball competition. In sum, we can apply this research to Basketball's Teaching and Training. When learner cached the idea of If-then rule, they do not only know ”how” to shoot, pass, and dribble. They will also know ”when” and ”why” do that! This is very important when playing on the court; the other value from this research is showing the possibility of ”Simulation Basketball tactic”. Using the ”classifier system”, Designer can design Basketball's offensive and defensive simulated system (include person and team) that coach need.


