  • 期刊


The Influences of Sex and Defensive Distance on Basketball Shooting Pattern and Shooting Capability


目的:本研究旨在探究性別與防守距離對籃球投籃動作型式和準確性之影響。方法:以107學年度國中籃球聯賽(Junior High School Basketball League, JHBL)四強之男、女球隊為觀察對象,利用Youtube 上由MOE Sports上傳之比賽影片進行資料蒐集,男生投籃次數有173次,女生有88次,共計261次。透過籃球投籃動作型式評量表分析在不同防守距離有、無命中的投籃型式和投籃命中率,其評分者間信度為K = .91,評分者內信度K = .88,並以卡方χ^2檢定進行考驗。結果:一、在投籃有無命中情境下,投籃動作型式的準備動作手部達顯著差異;二、在性別部分,投籃動作型式的準備動作手部、準備動作腳部和投籃動作手部—輔助手有達顯著差異;投籃命中率在性別上未達顯著差異;三、在不同防守距離下,投籃動作型式皆未達顯著差異;投籃命中率在不同防守距離下無達顯著差異。結論:一、命中與不命中投籃動作型式的準備動作手部在投籃動作型式評量中有差異;二、籃球投籃動作型式之準備動作手部和腳部,以及投籃動作手部—輔助手有性別差異存在;三、防守距離不會影響籃球投籃動作型式,而投籃命中能力也未受影響。


工作限制 環境限制


Purpose: This study investigated the effect of sex differences and defensive distance on basketball shooting patterns and accuracy. Data were collected from the 2018 Junior High School Basketball League semi-final games. Methods: The videotape observation included 261 basketball shoots (males attempted 173 shoots, females attempted 88 shoots). The measures included the number of shooting made scores and patterns by each player in various distances. The inter-rate and intra-rate reliability were K = .91 and K = .88. The Chi-square χ^2 test was utilized to analyze sexual and defensive distance differences. Results: (1) In various shooting conditions, significant differences were found in the pattern of hands in the preparation stage; (2) by sex differences, significant differences were found in the pattern of hands and feet in the preparation stage, and pattern of hands during shooting stage, but the capability of shooting, no significant difference was found; (3) in various defensive's distances, no significant difference was found. Conclusions: (1) In the rating scale of basketball shooting type, there was a difference in the pattern of hands (in the preparation stage) between the goal and non-goal shooting pattern; (2) The pattern of hands and feet in the preparation stage, and pattern of hands during shooting stage had sexual difference; (3) The defensive distance was not affecting the basketball shooting pattern. The ability of shooting was also not affected.


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