  • 期刊


Country-of-Origin Effect on the Perception of Korean Products: A Case Study of Korean Cars in Taiwan


近幾年來由於「韓流」的興起,使得國人對韓國的印象似乎發生了很大的變化,韓國產品由早年的粗劣廉價的產品形象,部分已轉變成流行精緻的象徵。換言之,韓國產品的「來源國效果」已產生相當的轉變。 隨著貿易關稅的降低與管制的解除,各國的汽車品牌大舉進入台灣汽車市場。過去韓國汽車在台灣的銷售不佳,且存在著負面的刻板印象,因此,籍由韓國汽車在台灣行銷重點的改變,加以討論其不同的來源國概念是否會對消費者知覺品質造成影響。 本研究將來源國的概念區分為品牌來源國、製造來源國以及設計來源國來加以探討。本研究的目的即是探討不同的來源國效果,對消費者知覺品質的影響。本研究的研究結果如下:國家品牌形象認知的高低,對於消費者知覺品質有顯著的影響;汽車製造國的製造水率認知的高低,對於消費者知覺品質沒有顯著的影響;汽車設計來源國之研發和設計水準認知的高低,對於消費者知覺品質有顯著的影響。


In recent years, due to the advancement of ”Korean trends,” the stereotype for Korean products has changed rapidly and become trendy and exquisite. In other words, the ”country-of-origin effect” for products ”made in Korea” has been changed. Following the lifting of tariff restriction and quota control, global production and marketing for ”hybrid productions” has rapidly emerged and changed the traditional thinking on the content of country-of-origin. However, because of past emotional complexes, the bad stereotype of Korean cars was deeply rooted in Taiwan. Hence, the study tries to explore the possibility to manipulate the effect of country-of-origin for Korean cars. By differentiating country-of-origin effects into a bundle of effects from country-of-brand, country-of-assembly and country-of-design, this study investigates the perceived quality of different origin effects on Taiwanese consumers. This survey is useful for Korean carmakers rethinking the proper strategy to promote the product images. After Lisrel analysis, this study concludes that (1) Higher cognition on country-of-brand has a significant impact on consumers' perceived quality; (2) The impressive image on country's manufacturing advancement does not have a significant influence on consumers' perceived quality; (3) Higher impressive cognition on country's R&D and design has a significant impact on consumer's perceived quality. Therefore, the recent promotion made by Korean car dealers on its ”European designed origin” should be a successful marketing focus.


