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The Study of Assessing Depression Risk and Long-term Care Needs among Community Elderly Residents


背景:人口老化乃全球性的現象,根據調查顯示,人體一旦邁入60歲,健康狀況將急遽衰退,而老年人之心理健康狀態更是現今社會大眾所關注的議題。老年人在面臨社會結構轉型、時代與觀念的急速變遷、及身體功能逐漸退化、親朋好友的死亡、經濟自主能力喪失與自我照顧能力日趨不足,更逐步使老人生活在孤寂、無助,憂鬱症狀亦隨之產生,使得老人心理衛生問題日趨重要,由此顯示,老人潛在憂鬱之相關議題,值得探究。目的:探討社區長者之憂鬱潛在介護風險,早期發現及介入處理問題的指引。方法:一篇橫斷性研究,根據某縣「103年基層診所參與老人整合性醫療社區長者健康服務篩檢」資料進行分析,樣本為某縣65歲以上老年人,共4628位長者,統計方法使用SPSS Statistics 20.0統計軟體進行分析,包含描述性統計、卡方檢定以及邏輯斯迴歸進行推論性分析。結果:基層診所參與老人整合性醫療個案資料中,社區長者以女性居多,占58.3%;年齡65-74歲的老人比例最多占52.3%、75-84歲占40.3%、85歲以上占7.3%;而有憂鬱潛在介護風險者占21.0%,無風險占79%;經卡方檢定之結果,老年人的憂鬱潛在介護風險在性別、年齡有明顯差異存在,性別為女性比例較高(p<0.001)、年齡為85歲以上的長者比例較多(p<0.001),進一步迴歸分析之結果,其在85歲以上的老老人,高達兩倍的憂鬱潛在介護風險;在性別變項,女性比男性高1.27倍的憂鬱潛在介護風險;在居住區域中,該縣地理區域南部比北部的居民高1.71倍的憂鬱潛在介護風險。結論:總體來說,雖然國人的平均餘命有增加的趨勢,但老年人隨年齡上升,其潛在憂鬱介護風險較以往嚴重,將影響老年人的生活品質,更顯現在生命後期可能產生的心理衛生的問題。上述結果可作為未來探討老年人憂鬱的困境及其需要。


Objective: The purposes of the study were to assess the depression risk and long-term care needs among community elderly residents in one county. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted by using a secondary data from the annual health examination for the elderly in one county in Taiwan. This study recruited 4628 elderly persons whose aged were 65 years and over in the study, and the data analyzed by SPSS Statistics 20.0. Results: Totally there are 4628 cases (2699 females,58.3%; 1929 males,41.7%) with most of the cases were 65-74 years of age(2423 people, 52.4%). More than one-fifth cases(21%)were identified have depressive risks who need further long-term care. Results found those factors of participant's gender, age, living area and township were significant associated to their long-term care needs in logistic regression analyses. Conclusions: This study highlights that depressive prevalence is a common phenomenon among elderly people in a community. Those elderly people increased with age, they need further long-term care services due to their depressive risk than their counterparts. In addition, we should pay much attention to the living environment and gender issue to the depressive risk and long-term care needs in the elderly as well.
