  • 期刊


Views of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and Preliminary Exploration of Naturopathy on Breast Cancer




Breast cancer is not easy to self-detect early. The risk factors for breast cancer include factors that cannot be changed and factors that can be changed. It is a complex interaction between heredity and environment or gene and maturity. Western medicine treatment methods for breast cancer include surgical resection, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, anti-hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy, each of which has its own side effects. The vast majority of women suffering from breast cancer in Taiwan will receive surgical treatment by Western medicine. Comprehensive treatment is the main development direction of breast cancer treatment. The treatment of breast cancer with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has gradually become the current development direction of clinical treatment. The treatment of breast cancer patients with Chinese medicine is not solely for the treatment of breast cancer or the side effects of Western medicine treatment of breast cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine treatments and other complementary, alternative or integrated medical treatments are very common as adjuvant western medicines. They do have curative effects in improving the side effects and quality of life of breast cancer patients treated by western medicine; however, these complementary, alternative or integrated medical treatments are urgent to establish clinical guidelines.


International Agency for Research On Cancer. Press Release Dec 12, 2013. http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2013/pdfs/pr223_E.pdf
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吳俊義、郭純琦、游美珠、黃慧貞、許瑋怡、周東賢、王慈娟、陳秀珍、陳昀佑、 林淑玫合著:人體解剖學。台中市華格納企業出版:2016 初版。
